I started planning my activations by setting the goal of activating at least one SOTA summit and POTA park. I figured I’d gain the experience of doing both to see how they differ from what I’m used to in the US (and writing this blog post). For this trip, we mainly stayed with ...
Turns out, I still had the IC-705 power level set to “0” watts (this story might sound familiar). Doh! Note to IC-705 owners:zero watts is notzerowatts! I turned up the power to 5 watts (the max the IC-705 will achieve on a 7.4V battery pack) and was greeted by an instant...
Click here to download the firmware from the Icom website. If you’re not familiar with the Icom IC-705, check outthis review from 13dkaandthis one from meoriginally published in The Spectrum Monitor. The IC-705 is a benchmark ham radio transceiver and MW/shortwave/FM DX receiver. Many ...
MAX707 Maxim IC" />
Any mAT-705 negatives? Not really, but I do feel the price is a little steep at $219.95–but then again the mAT-705 seems to do the job and do it well. I have to assume the TBA Icom AH-705 ATU will cost at least as much. I’m okay with paying at the top end of the marke...
My name is Saquib VU3HZW from North Eastern India. Your blog is a trove of knowledge for any QRP operator. Your style of writing is awesome! Now, here’s the story. I’ve started a Amateur Radio News & Blog –itshamradio.com. As a QRPer, you must be familiar with VU3SUA (Sunil...