33..55.. OOppttiimmiizzaattiioonn ooff tthhee RReeccoovveerryy PPrroocceessss ooff EEtthhyyll AAcceettaattee ffrroomm tthhee AACC EExxttrraacctt SSoolluuttiioonn GGiivveenn tthhaatt aahhigighhtetemmppeeraratuturereisisthteheprpimrimarayrycacuasuesoef othf ethceoncvoenrvseiorsnioonf ...
Triggering the biosynthetic machinery of Taxol by Aspergillus flavipes via cocultivation with Bacillus subtilis: Proteomic analyses emphasize the chromatin remodeling upon fungal-bacterial interaction. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 2021, 28, 39866–39881. 42. El-Sayed, A.S.A.; Ali, D.M.I.; ...
molecules Article Discovery of Matrinic Thiadiazole Derivatives as a Novel Family of Anti-Liver Fibrosis Agents via Repression of the TGFβ/Smad Pathway Tianyu Niu †, Weixiao Niu †, Yunyang Bao, Ting Liu, Danqing Song, Yinghong Li * and Hongwei He * Institute of Medicinal Biotechnology, ...