标准单元、I/O Pad进行互连,在不违反设计规则(design rule)的前提下自动进行布线,并为满足各种约束...
DFT:Design for Test 可测试性设计,为了增强芯片可测性而采用的一种设计方法,是数字IC流程中的重要步骤 DMA:Direct Memory Access 直接内存存取 DRAM:Dynamic Random Access Memory 动态随机存取存储器,最为常见的系统内存 DRC:Design Rule Check设计规则检查,是在 IC Design 经过 Layout 后检查其版图是否符合设计规...
IC封装设计IC封装设计 Substrate Design Rule:Trace width,SpacingSubstrate Design Rule:Trace width,Spacing IC封装设计IC封装设计 Sip封装设计:Sip封装设计: 规则驱动 4、设计 IC封装设计IC封装设计 能为您提供的设计:BGA,LGA,Sip能为您提供的设计:BGA,LGA,Sip IC封装设计IC封装设计 设计实例:LGA(SMT+FC)设计...
在集成设计环境中用户可以通过配置自由地选择使用这些仿真器,如在Virtuoso ADE(Analog Design Environment),可以方便地使用HSPICE来仿真,当然前提是生成HSPICE格式的网表。电路仿真需要代工厂提供的元器件库(代工厂一般以PDK包提供给客户,里面包含各种器件的spice模型,technology file,Design rule等) 5. 生成版图 版图的生...
掌握一款封装设计CAD软件,是封装设计必需的。CAD顾名思义是“辅助设计”,做设计还必须对封装组装和基板加工工艺有足够的了解,对Design Rule要知其然、知其所以然。当然,有个顺手的CAD软件支持,效率会更高。(虽然是辅助工具,用锄头去播种和用播种机播种还是有区别的—— 网友qiuzhang)。
As designs get more complicated, package substrates are seeing more silicon-driven rules and structures. Substrate styles like fan-out wafer level packaging (FOWLP) and elements such as through-silicon vias (TSVs) being injected into the package lay...
This is a scenario far more common in an IC design than in a package design because, in almost all cases, the package design does have cline end caps in the same style that a PCB substrate would. However, if the substrate you’re working on will be manufactured to IC process rules, ...
Of course, trying to manually identify and label all IOs in a package design is not only time-consuming, but susceptible to human error. At Siemens EDA, we implemented systematic methodologies using the Calibre PERC reliability platform to help designers overcome these reliability verification challeng...
3D-IC design is a shared effort across multiple domains. The package designer knows how they want to optimized pin assignments for routability, but typically, knows little about the design of the IC. The IC designer can put micro-bumps inside the die, but has limited knowledge of how this ...