该篇文章主要记录收集IC的offer案例, 文章分为几个部分,可以通过目录直接跳转:1.专业分类 offer整理 2.MRes 专业 offer整理 3.双非院校offer案例(无) 4.名校 211/985 offer案例 5.中外合办offer案例 6.海外本…
MSc Taxonomy, Biodiversity and Evolution MSc in Conservation Science Masters (MSc or MRes) in Computational Methods in Ecology and Evolution (CMEE) Masters (MSc and MRes) in Ecology, Evolution & Conservation MRes in Ecosystem and Environmental Change MRes in Molecular and Cellular Biosciences MRes in...
MRes Experimental Neuroscience MRes Green Chemistry, Energy and the Environment MRes Medical Device Design and Entrepreneurship MRes Medical Robotics and Image-Guided Intervention MRes Biomedical Research (Microbiome in Health and Disease) MRes Molecular and Cellular Biosciences MRes Biomedical Research (Molecul...