2023年欧洲内科学肿瘤学会(ESMO)世界胃肠肿瘤大会(WCGIC)于欧洲中部夏令时间6月28日至7月1日在西班牙巴塞罗那如期举行。据悉,诸多中国学者的胃肠肿瘤领域重磅研究进展已入选此次大会,其中口头摘要(oral presentation)1篇,壁报讨论摘要(poster di...
CSP is a miniaturized package type where the package size closely matches the size of the semiconductor die, resulting in a compact form factor. CSP offers advantages such as reduced footprint, improved electrical performance, and shorter signal paths. It finds applications in mobile devices, wearab...
摘要 2022年12月,ESCMID/EUCIC联合发布了《多重耐药革兰阴性菌定植患者围手术期抗菌药物预防的临床实践指南》。指南依据已发表的多重耐药革兰阴性菌(MDR-GNB)定植患者围手术期抗菌药物预防的研究进行系统评价后制定。指南就MDR-GNB定植筛查的必要性与筛查时机、围手术期抗菌药物的选择与用药时间等问题进行阐述,并提供了...
The impact factor of the magazine is 0.2 and it is indexed in Clarivate Analytics' ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index) and Web of Science databases, with a JCI (Journal Citation Indicator) of 0.04. This indicates that it has a certain influence and recognition in the academic community. In...
31.Dec.2023 To 31.Dec.2024 Securities Lending Return (%) Average on-loan (% of AUM)8.297.545.086.03 Maximum on-loan (% of AUM)12.9511.9210.008.49 Collateralisation (% of Loan)110.04110.81111.09109.69 The above table summarises the lending data available for the fund. ...
Scientific Reports volume 13, Article number: 12538 (2023) Cite this article 2853 Accesses Metrics details Abstract Climate is an important limiting factor of species’ niches and it is therefore regularly included in ecological applications such as species distribution models (SDMs). Climate predictors...
automotive ECUs. Designed for automotive security use cases, it provides a complete set of security building blocks for heterogenous SoC architectures utilizing an HSM core and any other SoC CPU cores. The security solution is optimized for efficiency with minimal impact on ava...
Journal Impact Factor 0.8 (2023) Downloads 196.8k (2024) Submission to first decision (median) 10 days Editors Moses Chung 2014~: Assistant / Associate / Tenured-Associate / Full Proffessor, Dept. of Physics, Ulsan National Insitute of Science and Technology(UNIST) Articles Showing 1-...
solidifying their place in the electronics market. III. Market Overview A. Global Market Size and Growth Trends The global porcelain tube resistor market has experienced steady growth over the past few years. As of 2023, the market is valued at approximately $XX billion, with projections indicatin...
影响因子IF IF:Impact Factor 评价论文质量的一个相对指标;是Thomson Reuters出品的期刊引证报告JCR=Journal Citation Reports中的一项数据,以年作为单位计算: 以1992年的某一期刊影响因子为例,IF(1992年) = A / B 其中, A = 该期刊1990年至1991年所有文章在1992年中被引用的次数 ...