LAYOUTgds2 对功能,时序,制造参数进行检查 TAPE-OUT DigitalICdesignflow Marketingrequest Architecturespecs Architectureengineer ToparchitectC/C++/Matlab Arch/algorithmemulation designspec 使用verilog编程实现 RTLcoding Projectfunctionspec algorithmengineer Designspecexample RTLdesignengineer/design engineer ...
本PPT内容是整个DDC项目组的集体学习研究成果感谢已经毕业的曾经参与后端项目的师兄师姐,以及各位老师。闻道有先后,术业有专攻 共同学习,共同进步大家有问题请直接请教熟悉相应工具的同学。Tips:可以参考QUATURSII的designflow!!Contents 1基于标准单元的ASIC设计流程 2数字前端设计(front-end)3数字后端设计(back-end...
Presented an overview of Coventor. Discussed the challenges facing the MEMS industry. Introduced MEMS+ and a new design flow that is integrated with EDA. Presented Coventor's vision and role in enabling a MEMS Ecosystem.Joost van Kuijk24th Annual sensors expo and conference 2010: Rosemont, ...
Design Library 包括Block、Cell Libraries(ndm形式)、Technology Library(ndm形式) Block包括Gate-Level Netlist(门级网表)以及一些Design约束的一些文件 NDM Timing View可以理解为db,包含timing的信息及功耗的信息 design view相当于做design,比如block,design本身中有绕线、place的结果 frame view和lef是一样的 lef文...
Advanced 3D IC Design Flow 3D IC design and packaging solutions An integrated IC packaging solution that covers everything from planning and prototyping to signoff for various integration technologies such as FCBGA, FOWLP, 2.5/3DIC, and others. Our 3D IC packaging solutions help you overcome the...
ICDesignFlow EDA DesignFlow 史江一 2016/1/15 EE141 微电子学院 1 EDA SOC设计流程 DesignSpecDefinitionSystemDesignSystemPartitionIPselect、IFtimingDefinition RTLCode&CodingStyleCheck VerificationModuleDesgin RTLSimulationModuelcheckPre-FloorPlanLogicSynthesisNetlist EE141EDA工具实践 che...
Photonic Design Complete environment for integrated photonic design supporting multiple methodologies: layout centric; schematic driven layout and Python scripting Custom IC Design A complete custom IC design environment to capture, implement, and drive simulation and physical verification with broad foundry ...
Library Manager(icc2_lm_shell) Flow Library Prep-icc2_lm_shell 一个简单的脚本 create_workspace 需要指定一个名字以及需要的techfileread_db read_lef check_workspace commit_workspace 保存ndm APR Flow - Design & Timing Setup 自动布局布线:布局就是在版图上给单元、宏模块等分配物理位置,使得单元、宏模...
Shanghai Imart 360 Introduction of IC Assembly Process IC封装工艺简介 艾 IC Process Flow Customer 客 户 IC Design IC设计 Wafer Fab 晶圆制造 Wafer Probe 晶圆测试 Assembly Test IC 封装测试 SMT IC组装 IC Package (IC的封装形式) Package--封装体: 指芯片(Die)和不同类型的框架(L/F)和塑封料(EMC...
和Hierarchical Flow对应的是Flat Flow,Flat Flow就是整块芯片一体化成型;Hierarchical Flow就是将大芯片合理化拆分,拆封成许多个小的block,将每个block都sign off后拼接到一起成为为一个full chip;将多个full chip拼接到一起就成为3D-IC了。