Course_ICDesign 研究生课程IC设计方法作业是一种针对集成电路设计与方法的研究生课程项目,旨在培养学生在集成电路领域的设计和分析能力。该课程通常包含多个子任务,如FSM(有限状态机)设计、信号处理系统设计等,要求学生运用所学知识解决实际问题。这些子任务不仅考验
Note: This course is highly recommended for onboarding new employees (including recent college graduates) to ramp up on the complete Tool-Agnostic Digital IC Design flow. DICDF is a basic yet complete overview of IC design flow, a tool-agnostic course. It starts by explaining the entire IC ...
timing constraints, soc clk structure design introduction lab2 env attribute synthesize opt tech lab3 timing analyze & timing exception lab4 clk gating topic 10课时 Wayne cao 4 形式验证原理 Formality使用 上机实验 项目Formality检查 静态时序分析原理 Primetime介绍 上机实验 项目Primetime分析 10...
This course is intended for: Designers who are new to Virtuoso or those who would like an overview of the complete analog IC design flow using the latest Cadence®tools. College/University graduates who want to learn the Cadence tools flow. Also, this course will be a revision for: Analog...
RTLDesignandSimulation(RTL设计与仿真) Introduction课程介绍: 此课程将介绍数字逻辑集成电路的设计方法和相关设计工具的使用。课程将通过美国教授的 实际设计项目讲授设计理念和方法,具有较强的实用性。 This3-daycoursetalksaboutthedesignmethodologyofdigitallogiccircuitandtheusage ...
帝国理工Design Engineering(设计工程)专业是一个将设计思维、工程知识与实践相融合的专业。该专业注重行业实践,强调融合技术、知识与创造性,旨在培养出同时具有冒险精神与商业敏感度的新一代设计工程师。课程特色是项目制,鼓励学生将自己的想...
The developed design flow and the course project provide a very effective hands-on approach to teaching digital IC design and VLSI design in advanced CMOS technologies. The team project was conducted in a competition based format providing great enthusiasm and motivation among the students, enhancing...
THE COURSE 1.6 Summary Key concepts: • We could define an ASIC as a design style that uses a cell library • The difference between full-custom and semicustom ASICs • The difference between standard-cell, gate-array, and programmable ASICs • The ASIC design flow • Design ...
参考书籍:《CMOS VLSI Design A Circuits and Systems Perspect》 —— 数字IC/FPGA设计入门的圣经建议学习进度: 建议每周学习一课。在设计实例课,可以根据自己情况,适当延长。建议后续课程:《数字IC/数字电路/FPGA设计_从入门到精通_合集》:
• 掌握数字芯片后端设计常用的EDA工具,包括Design Compiler、Formality、Innovus、StarRc、PrimeTime、Redhawk、Calibre • 掌握数字芯片后端设计结果分析、问题解决思路和方法。本课程帮助学员构建数字后端知识体系,跑完全部的flow,从理论到实战,成为一名合格的“芯片职场人” 【课程内容】 基础内容: 入行基础技能 数...