Pin 3, Relay Control Output (Driver) The relay control output is a high-side driver with a low saturation voltage. It is capable of driving a typical automotive relay with a minimum coil resistance of 60 Ω. 3 4726B–AUTO–11/05 4.4...
VIDEO DRIVING AMPLIFIER,高速ADC,低噪声运算放大器,双极型霍尔,三相无感BLDC正弦波预驱动,可配置AFE,1:7LVDS转TTL信号接收器,双通道平板显示用双向串并转换器,车载音频系统的地隔离放大器,14BIT高速、低功耗D/A 转换器,开关电路,内置256细分四通道低压步进电机驱动,SOC,DAC,通用运算放大器,三相有感方波BLDC预驱动...
The relay control output is a high-side driver with a low saturation voltage. It is capable of driving a typical automotive relay with a minimum coil resistance of 60Ω. Pin 4 and 5, Oscillator The flashing frequency, f1, is determined by the R1C1components as given by the formula belo...
The relay control output is a high-side driver with a low saturation voltage. It is capable of driving a typical automotive relay with a minimum coil resistance of 60Ω. Pin 4 and 5, Oscillator The flashing frequency, f1, is determined by the R1C1 components as given by the formul...