represents the offset from the thermal control circuit (T )CC activation temperature. PECI information is not converted to absolute temperature reading. PECI information is in a 16−bit twos complement value; however, the ADT7490 records the sign bit as well as the bits from 12:6 in the ...
Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided. TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties, and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such in...
处于峰值回流温度下的最长时间:NOT SPECIFIED触发器类型:POSITIVE EDGE 宽度:7.62 mm最小 fmax:20 MHz Base Number Matches:1 SNC5476J 数据手册 通过下载SNC5476J数据手册来全面了解它。这个PDF文档包含了所有必要的细节,如产品概述、功能特性、引脚定义、引脚排列图等信息。 PDF下载 (1) (1)...
The molecular gas mass is estimated using a N(H2)/ICO factor of 2 3 1020 K km s 2 1 cm 2 2 and probably represents a lower limit because weaker, undetected, CO emission may be present at other positions. We have included the mass of helium in the molecular clouds. Relative to the...
The SD3402 represents the fourth-generation of Z-Wave? wireless FRC-V FRC-V The FRC-V vector based Frame Rate Converter provides Motion Estimation and FRC-S+ FRC-S+ The FRC-S+ vector based Frame Rate Converter provides Motion Estimation FRC-S FRC-V FRC-V The FRC-V vector based Fr...