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KENWOOD建伍TK-6110R车载对讲机,本音响维修手册为电子版大小:2.56 MB 格式:PDF 页数:50 页 语言:英文 English Service Manual如有疑问请在本页底部联系我们!20点 →马上下载 JRC JST-145 JST-245短波电台维修手册 ICOM艾可慕 IC-A23 IC-A5对讲机维修手册 kenwood建伍 TKM-707对讲机维修手册 iCOM艾可慕iC-F5021 ...
IC-7600 使用说明书手册.pdf,INSTRUCTION MANUAL HF/50 MHz TRANSCEIVER i7600 FOREWORD SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES Thank you for makng the IC-7600 your rado of The transcever comes wth the followng accessores. choce. We hope you agree wth Icom’s phlosophy
ILC706 1 ILC707 ILC708 1 MR Manual reset input. MR forces RESET to assert when pulled below 0.8V. An internal pull-up current of 250 mA on this input forces it high when left floating. This input can also be driven from TTL or CMOS logic. Vcc GND PFI 2 3 4 2 3...
ICOM IC-706MKIIG短波电台说明书 INSTRUCTION MANUAL i706MK?G HF/VHF/UHF ALL MODE TRANSCEIVER This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any ...
Manual RESET PFI Accuracy Watchdog SP705 SP706 SP707 SP708 SP813L SP813M 4.65 V 4.40 V 4.65 V 4.40 V 4.65 V 4.40V LOW LOW YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% LOW and HIGH LOW and HIGH HIGH NO
icom_ic-r71_service_manual.pdf 本文内容为转帖,同时有删改,调试部分原作者 BG0FD;RAM板修复部分原作者:麦田守望兔 ;还有部分图片来自于其他网友。 编者按:ICOM的IC-R71E收信机是日本ICOM公司在1984-1996年期间生产的民用接收机,它属于比较优秀的民用接收机,但其接收性能不错(现在出的日本普及型电台如IC-7000,...
STM706/708 T: 3.00V≤V S: 2.88V≤V ≤3.15V ≤3.00V RST RST 8 R; STM706P: 2.59V≤V ≤2.70V RST 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ RST AND RST OUTPUTS 200ms (TYP) t rec SO8 (M) WATCHDOG TIMER - 1.6sec (TYP) MANUAL RESET INPUT (MR) ...
CN705/706/707/708/813 series is a family of microprocessor (uP) supervisory circuit that monitors microprocessor’s supply voltage and battery voltage. CN705/706/707/708/813 series integrates uP reset circuit with 200ms delay, Watchdog, manual reset circuit and a power fail comparator with 1.2...