DS1971-F5+ is a 256-bit EEPROM iButton. It is a rugged read/write data carrier that identifies and stores relevant information about the product or person to which it is attached. The power to program and read the DS1971 is derived entirely from the 1-wire communicat...
DS1971-F5+ 256-Bit EEPROM iButton读写存储器智能卡匙DS1971+F5 复购率:0% 13年 ¥24.23成交2笔 深圳市 G-VIEW 监控冲击记录仪运输储存影响损坏警报设备带增强录音功能 复购率:20% 1年 ¥978.5成交0笔 深圳市 DS1904 实时时钟模块RTC iButton替代DS1994L+F5时钟存储芯片批发 ...
DS1961S+F5电子抄表消费充值IButton纽扣DS1961S-F5+ 原装现货 深圳市科永邦电子有限公司15年 深圳市福田区 ¥145.00成交5笔 门禁卡ID复制机 EM4100/TK4100 TM1990 读卡器复制机2合1便携 适用卡类ibutton,card,rfid,card 深圳市欣思码威技术有限公司7年 ...
TM1990A-F5 Dallas DS1990 Key Non-magnetic Electronic Petrol IButton Key S S***z 2025年1月2日 交付: Excellent 质量: Excellent 设计: Excellent 服务: Excellent 具有1 个重复内容的评论被隐藏 根据 法语 翻译而来显示原文 Durable GPS Tracker Device IButton Reader 1-Wire IButton Probe for Fleet Ma...
DS1971-F5 电源电压 : 2.8-6V 功率: 0 频率: 0 用途: 医疗,门锁,计数,存储,标签 特色服务 : 存储计数 产品详情 Product details Play Video This is a modal window. The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported. 搜...
Product Model: TM1971-F5 Compatible with DS1971 256-bit Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM) communicates with the economy of one signal plus ground EEPROM organized as one 256-bit page 64-bit one-time programmable application register is automatically write-protected after ...
PDFDS1921L-F5X 温度记录iButton数据手册.pdf 我要下载 | 预览 882 KB ●iButton概述■DS1921L 温度记录iButton是一个坚固的、用来测量温度、并将结果记录在受保护的存储器区域内的自供电系统。记录操作按用户设定的速率执行,存储方式有两种:直接存储温度值和用直方图方式存储温度。可存储1至255分钟等间隔...
TM1990A-F5 Dallas DS1990 Key Non-magnetic Electronic Petrol IButton Key S S***z 2024年12月3日 质量: 交付: 设计: 服务: 根据 英语 翻译而来显示原文 New Design TM Card Reader IButton DS1990 DS1971 Key Probe for Fleet Manage 1234...22 ...
1K位/4K位存储器IBUTTON,用于借记卡,校准系数存储,物流跟踪,电子旅行等。我们提供原装进口DS1992L-F5+,DS1993L+F5价格特低 ,欢迎垂询! 联系方式 方涵先生 (市场部 营销总监) 电话: 86 0755 13410195478 移动电话: 13823291210 传真: 86 0755 13823291210 ...
型号- DS1990A-F5+,DS9093A,DS1990A,DS1990A-F3+,DS9093RA,DS9092,DS1990AA-F3+,DS9101,DS1990AA-F5+,DS9096P 数据手册 - MAXIM - 11/21 PDF 英文 下载 查看更多版本 Serial Number iButton 型号- DS9093A,DS9097U,DS1990R,DS1990A,DS1990R-F5,DS9093RA,DS9092,DS2480B,DS1990R-F3,DS9101,DS90...