IBS Las Vegas: the trade show The International Beauty Show Las Vegas is the fastest growing event in beauty, boasting more than 19,000 beauty professionals! Attend IBS Las Vegas to learn new skills, refine your techniques and to stock up on all of your salon and professional needs. Packed ...
美国拉斯维加斯美容展览会(IBS Las Vegas)将于2023年6月24-26日在美国拉斯维加斯国际会展中心举办。是美国历史最悠久,当地较高知名度的美容展览会。汇聚了美容产品的顶级制造商和供应商,每年吸引来自全球各地的沙龙业主、美容人士等专业观众,他们通过参加拉斯维加斯国际美容展购买最新美容产品,了解最新时尚动态及流行...
展会时间:2023年6月24-26日 展会地址:美国拉斯维加斯国际会展中心 IBS Las Vegas是美国历史最悠久,当地较高知名度的美容展览会。汇聚了美容产品的顶级制造商和供应商,每年吸引来自全球各地的沙龙业主、美容人士等专业观众,他们通过参加拉斯维加斯国际美容展购买最新美容产品,了解最新时尚动态及流行趋势,同时通过参加现...
IBS Las Vegas: the trade show The International Beauty Show Las Vegas is the fastest growing event in beauty, boasting more than 19,000 beauty professionals! Attend IBS Las Vegas to learn new skills, refine your techniques and to stock up on all of your salon and professional needs. Packed ...
America's largest residential construction industry tradeshow 2023年美国拉斯维加斯国际建筑建材展览会IBS&KBIS 组织机构北京盛瑞达国际展览有限公司举办展览时间:2023年1月31-2月2号,LAS VEGAS, NV(拉斯维加斯)主办方:全国房屋建筑商协会 (NAHB)。 NAHB 是全国公认的华盛顿特区贸易协会,致力于推动将住房作为...
January 31, 2023-February 2, 2023 The building industry’s BIGGEST EVENT is heading back to Las Vegas! NAHB International Builders’ Show® (IBS) is the largest home building show in North America. This three-day event brings professionals, products and home building trends together under one...
IBS Las Vegas brings the beauty world together for education, inspiration, and to buy and sell products right on the show floor. We are introducing new guidelines and requirements to ensure all of our attendees and exhibitors are safe at the event. Please join the mailing list and stay tuned...
2024年美国建材展览会(IBS),展会时间:2024年02月27日~02月29日,展会地点:美国-拉斯维加斯-3150 Paradise Road Las Vegas, NV89109 USA-拉斯维加斯会展中心,主办方:全美房屋建造协会,举办周期:一年一届,展会面积:36000平米,参展观众:55237人,参展商数量及参展品牌达到1300家。 美国建材展览会(International Buil...
The 2023 Las Vegas event is the perfect launchpad for new products and services and a breeding ground for education on new techniques, professional tips and breakthrough technologies. Pre-show and at-show opportunities are available, designed to give you the best results possible. Our sales ...
Find Out Where to Go at the Show The IBS PreShow Planner has a full-spread map to help you navigate the IBS and co-located NKBA Kitchen & Bath Industry Show (KBIS) exhibit floors in the Las Vegas Convention Center. For the first time, the IBS exhibit floors are ...