当然根据最终所选择的供应计划算法引擎的不同,考虑的各类关键指标(即算法的Input)便不同,这在SAP Help中有非常清晰的说明,例如对于本次要记录的供应约束所需要用到的算法FiniteHeuristics(Link)及Optimizer(Link):
SAP IBP中聚合约束的应用 SAP IBP自很早前版本开始,便全面支持灵活的聚合约束,最新的2311版本,官网上的Help已非常清晰地进行了功能说明,在此也不便赘述: https://help.sap.com/docs/SAP_INTEGRATED_BUSINESS_PLANNING/feae3cea3cc549aaa9d9de7d363a83e6/63b1bb56ed263f23e10000000a44147b.html?state=DRAFT&v...
细心的读者可能发现一个逻辑问题,在《SAP IBP-第6篇-Inventory Optimization(1单层优化)》一文中,我们提到的计算Safety Stock的输入是需求的标准差,或者Coefficient of Variation(CV),代表需求的波动;但是我们这里说的却是Forecast Error,代表预测和实际需求之差。这两者看上去很相近,但是是不同的事情。那么这两个概念...
SAP IBP能够使用算法推荐结耦点。计算的算法有一下6个判断标准: 结耦点判断标准 比如说,如果某个节点面对的客户需求的波动很大,那么按照第4类标准,这个节点就非常适合作为结耦点;或者比如说,如果某个节点的客户Tolerance Time大于这个节点供应的Lead Time,那么按照第1类标准,这个节点就没有必要作为结耦点,因为就算...
SAP Integrated Business Planning wins "Top Rated" award from TrustRadius Learn more What are analysts saying about planning and the sustainable, risk-resilient supply chain? Tapping the power of AI for supply chain planning Read what IDC has to say about how forward-thinking companies are using ...
列名称 字段名称 字段说明 允许值 HANA 数据类型 ABAP 数据类型 最大字符数 键值(x) 必填数据条目 MOT_ID “运输模式” 运输货物的方法,例如铁路、公路、航空或船舶。 如 IBP_TRANSPORTATION_LANE 表中定义(请参阅IBP_TRANSPORTATION_LANE)。 NVARCHAR CHAR 10 X 是 此...
SAP IBP is a popular supply chain planning tool, it can help you create better demand forecasts and finished goods plans. In our training workshop, we focus on Statistical modeling and Forecasting in SAP IBP. We will cover various modeling strategies
SAP Integrated Business Planning for Supply Chain, SCM APO Supply Network Planning (SNP) IBP supply is supply chain planning tools that include highly integrated solutions that can be used to have an effective supply chain plan that extends the principles of S&OP throughout the supply chain. To...
SAP IBP plays an integral part in the broader SAP S/4HANA ecosystem. It has been specifically designed to help various businesses manage complex supply chains and streamline operations at various levels. Every module in this solution includes a standardized data model, which helps provide real-time...
SAP公司成立于1972年,总部位于德国沃尔多夫市,是全球最大的企业管理和协同化商务解决方案供应商。目前,在全球有 120多个国家的超过172,000家用户正在运行SAP软件。财富500强80% 以上的企业都正在从SAP的管理方案中获益。SAP在全球75多个国家拥有分支机构,并在多家证券交易所上市,包括法兰克福和纽约证交所。 1995年在...