以及Amazon在数字出版上的煽风点火,2012年,基于Web app的数字内容很可能成为大热点。
像新东方这类教育培训机构可以怎样利用 iPad 、iBooks Author 和 iBookstore 这个新的教育资源平台? 钟佳 知乎51号知鸟,教育行业,宝妈一枚~ 首先,所有App的使用目前需要基于Apple产品这个平台,无论是iPad还是Mac。都需要学生拥有一台苹果产品。在众多分校当中,杭州是比较特殊的。V… ...
我想了想,由于法律规定,目前中国区的 iBooks Store 应该也是使用了与 Amazon Kindle 相同的处理方法,...
有了iBook author 和amazon电子书平台,国外的传统出版商的地位会受到进一步的挑战,某些作者可能选择直接...
ereader apps. The various bits and pieces of the Kindle platform have had twitter and some form of social sharing for ages, and even though most of them don’t offer any easy way of exporting your notes, they do aggregate them at thekindle.amazon.comwebsite, which is better than ...
The Apple Book store is one of the most popular places to purchase ebooks, but it doesn’t compare to Amazon when it comes to the sheer quantity of books. This means that some of the free iBooks immediately available on the Apple Store aren’t exactly the highest quality. After downloadin...
Step5.Now click the small 'arrow' next to the Edit Meta information and select Download metadata and cover files. Calibre will now download extra information about your PDF/ebook. If it's a PDF eBook, you may need to manually enter the ebook title and author name if it isn't present ...
Amazon to Gen-AI Excellence Award GESAwards Southeast Asia - 1st Runner Up Edtech Product of the year Most Innovative Edtech Product of the Year Best Edtech product of the year Our Partners Frequently AskedQuestions The platform has an Artificially Intelligent helper called BriBoo that helps stud...
在iBooks Author出现之前,如果某人希望通过苹果的销售渠道发布一本电子书,采用App的形式应该是相对最简单...