Based on the popular Filipino fairytale, Ibong Adarna tells the story of an ailing king who sent his three sons to search for the Ibong Adarna "Adarna bird" as the only cure to his illness and as a reward of whoever catches the bird and ...See more ...
Ibong Adarna: Directed by Pablo Santiago. With Dolphy, Rosanna Ortiz, Panchito, Babalu. Three princes are in search for a mythical bird, the Ibong Adarna, not only for the cure to the ailing king but also to rival for the rightful claim to the throne. In
演职人员 奖项 图集 剧情简介 Based on the popular Filipino fairytale, Ibong Adarna tells the story of an ailing king who sent his three sons to search for the Ibong Adarna "Adarna bird" as the only cure to his illness and as a reward of whoever catches the bird and bring to him will...
简介 Based on the popular Filipino fairytale, Ibong Adarna tells the story of an ailing king who sent his three sons to search for the Ibong Adarna "Adarna bird" as the only cure to his illness and as a reward of whoever catches the bird and bring to him will inherit the throne. ...
简介 Based on the popular Filipino fairytale, Ibong Adarna tells the story of an ailing king who sent his three sons to search for the Ibong Adarna "Adarna bird" as the only cure to his illness and as a reward of whoever catches the bird and bring to him will inherit the throne. ...
Ibong Adarna: Directed by Vicente Salumbides. With Mila Del Sol, Fred Cortes, Ester Magalona, Deanna Prieto. Based on the popular Filipino fairytale, Ibong Adarna tells the story of an ailing king who sent his three sons to search for the Ibong Adarna "A
The story comes from the classic novel by Francisco Baltazar (Ibong Adarna) about three brothers, Prinsipe Alfonso (Panchito), Prinsipe Albano (Babalu), and Prinsipe Adolfo (Dolphy). The task was to capture the magical Ibong Adarna to cure their father's illness. The one who can bring home...
The "Ibong Adarna" is a famous Filipino fable with memorable characters like King Fernando, Queen Valeriana, and Don Juan.
简介 The story comes from the classic novel by Francisco Baltazar (Ibong Adarna) about three brothers, Prinsipe Alfonso (Panchito), Prinsipe Albano (Babalu), and Prinsipe Adolfo (Dolphy). The task was to capture the magical Ibong Adarna to cure their father's illness. The one who can bring...
Flow G Feat. Gloc-9: Ibong Adarna: Directed by Titus Cee. With Flow G, Gloc-9, Loraine Lna.