IBM was founded by Charles Ranlett Flint as the Computing Tabulating Recording Company (CTR) on June 16 1911. It was the result of merger of three companies; International Time Recording Company, Tabulating Machine Company, and Computing Scale Company. Thomas J. Watson, Sr., in 1914, joined ...
IBM was founded in 1911, the United States is the world's largest information technology and business solutions company, is a nearly 400,000 employees, 100 billion dollars in assets, its 2008 large sales of more than $100 billion, and net profit of $100 million more than 120. ...
This company was founded by Herman Hollerith in 1896 as the Tabulating Machine Company. It was later incorporated as the Computing Tabulating and Recording Corporation on June 16 1911. The Company was listed in the New York Stock Exchange in 1916 and one year later the Canadian and South ...
IBM was founded in 1911 as the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (C-T-R). But the computer giant traces its roots back to the 1880s. During that decade, Dr. Alexander Dey invented the first dial recorder for his business, while a second enterprise, Bundy Manufacturing, became the first...
When the IBM company was founded in 1914, the old Thomas Watson developed the Code of Conduct for the company, which kept in mind that every action and policy was directly influenced by the three criteria. Watson philsophy made the contribution to the company' s success is greater...
Founded in 2004, the EICC is chartered with collaboratively working to improve social responsibility throughout the supply chain, from raw materials to components to manufacturing to brands. IBM has held the Chair position on the EICC Board of Directors for the last two years. 34 SUPPLY CHAin ...
IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) is a multinational technology company headquartered in Armonk, N.Y. It was founded in 1911 as the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (CTR) and was later renamed to IBM in 1924. IBM is one of the world's largest IT companies, with operations...
It was founded in 1896 as the Tabulating Machine Company by Herman Hollerith. 1896年,赫尔曼·霍尔瑞斯创建了制表机器公司。 It was listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1911 as the Computing Tabulating Recording Corporation and became International Business Machines in 1917. ...
Industrial Revolution to early 20th centuryIBM’s roots trace back to Herman Hollerith’s 1896 invention of the tabulating machine, revolutionizing data processing for the 1890 US Census. In 1911, IBM was founded as the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company, later renamed IBM in 1924. Key innovati...
The company which became IBM was founded in 1889 as Herman Hollerith and the Tabulating Machine Company. It was incorporated as Computing Tabulating Recording Corporation (CTR)) on June 15, 1911, and was listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1916. IBM adopted its current name in 1924. ...