IBM TS4500 Tape Library 旨在帮助大中型企业应对云存储挑战。它结合了最新一代业界领先的线性磁带开放协议 (LTO) 和 IBM 企业级技术,将帮助组织处理现代磁带用例不断增长的数据需求。 此类挑战包括云技术和混合云基础架构中数据量的高速增长、存储空间成本增加、跨供应商平台迁移数据的难度等。
TS4500是磁带机集成领导者,其功能包括持久的全球名称,多路径体系结构,磁带机/介质异常报告,远程磁带机/介质管理和基于主机的路径故障转移。TS4500L25, D25 和 S25 机架支持 IBM TS1160, TS1155, IBM TS1150和 IBM TS1140 磁带机,而TS4500L55, D55 和 S55 机架支持 LTO Ultrium 8 , 7 , 6 和 5 磁带...
The IBM TS4500 Tape Library is a next-generation tape solution that offers higher storage density and better integrated management than previous solutions. This IBM Redbooks® publication gives you a close-up view of the new IBM TS4500 Tape Library. In the TS4500, IBM® delivers the density...
The IBM TS4500 Tape Library is a next-generation tape solution that offers higher storage density and better integrated management than previous solutions. This IBM Redbooks® publication gives you a close-up view of the new IBM TS4500 Tape Library. I
The IBM TS4500 Tape Library is a next-generation tape solution that offers higher storage density and better integrated management than previous solutions. This IBM Redbooks® publication gives you a close-up view of the new IBM TS4500 Tape Library. … ...
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The IBM TS4500 Tape Library is a next-generation tape solution that offers higher storage density and better integrated management than previous solutions. This IBM Redbooks® publication gives you a close-up view of the new IBM TS4500 Tape Library. In the TS4500, IBM® delivers the density...
#新书出炉##IBM TS4500 Tape Library Guide#出版于10月26日,目标读者是想要了解 IBM TS4500 Tape Library的IBM客户、IBM商业伙伴、IBM专家销售代表和技术专家。
The IBM® TS4500 (TS4500) tape library is a next-generation tape solution that offers higher storage density and better integrated management than previous solutions.This IBM Redbooks® publication gives you a close-up view of the new IBM TS4500 tape library. In the TS4500, IBM delivers ...
AbstractThe IBM® TS4500 (TS4500) tape library is a next-generation tape solution that offers higher storage density and integrated management than previous solutions.This IBM Redbooks® publication gives you a close-up view of the new IBM TS4500 tape library. In the TS4500, IBM delivers ...