Procurri makes it easy to find the latest End of Service Life (EOSL) dates for your IBM hardware. We have compiled IBM EOSL dates for several unique hardware models such as BladeCenter, eServer, Flex System, and many more.
An end-of-service-life announcement can spell trouble for IT managers. When IBM decides it will no longer support its storage, server, or network hardware, IT teams are left scrambling trying to figure out what they can do to deal with the problem without breaking the budget. Park Place Te...
Libraries with ALMS feature disabled - a minimum library code level of 7363 should be installed to resolve gripper reliability collision detection 3573 LTO磁带库(TS3100、TS3200) 6.70版本的微码能够解决以太网和磁带hung的问题。 2008年4季度的微码将解决和多关于磁带加密的问题。确保3573的微码是最新的版本...
12 Nov 2008, Archived Redbooks ... Today more and more companies are embracing the principles of on demand business by integrating business processes end-to-end across the company and with key partners, enabling them to respond flexibly and rapidly to new circumstances. The ... ...
Support for encryption-enabled IBM System Storage™ TS1100 Family Tape Drives (3592 tape drives). Support for IBM Systems Storage Linear Tape-Open (LTO) Ultrium Generation 4 Tape Drives. Support for the DS8000® Storage Controller (IBM System Storage DS8000 Turbo drive). This support ...
24、 MS SQLTSM for MS SQLTSMServerFCMFCMFlash CopyFlash CopyIBM System StorageIBM SVCMS HyperVVMVMVMIO VMMS HyperVVMVMIO VMSVC stretched cluster2626NAS/NFSFibreChannelFibreChanneliSCSIFCoEiSCSIDS3300DS5000V7000DS8000N SeriesSONASDS3400TS3100TS3310TS3200TS3500TS7650ATS7560G SVC/ V7000VMware虚拟机存储...
TS2900 Tape Library with LTO5 HH SAS drive & rack mount kit 35732UL TS3100 Tape Library Model L2U Driveless 35734UL TS3200 Tape Library Model L4U Driveless 46X2682† LTO Ultrium 5 Fibre Channel Drive 46X2683† LTO Ultrium 5 SAS Drive Sled 46X2684† LTO Ultrium 5 Half High Fibre...
An end-of-service-life announcement can spell trouble for IT managers. When IBM decides it will no longer support its storage, server, or network hardware, IT teams are left scrambling trying to figure out what they can do to deal with the problem without breaking the budget. Park Place Te...