IBM Storage Networking SAN32C-6 光纤网交换机是 IBM存储区域网络交换机系列中的入门级机型。 IBM Storage Networking SAN32C-6 提供从服务器机架到 SAN 核心的高速光纤通道连接。此交换机通过提供更高的带宽和更大程度的整合,为使用高密度虚拟化服务器快速部署云规模应用程序的组织赋能。它旨在使小规模和大规模 SA...
IBM Storage Networking SAN32C-6 Product Guide IBM Redbooks Product Guide Product Overview The IBM Storage Networking SAN32C-6 (Figure 1) provides high-speed Fibre Channel (FC) connectivity from the server rack to the SAN core. It empowers small, midsize, and large enterprises to rapidly ...
SAN24B-6Low-cost, easy-to-use capabilities at 4, 8, 16 and 32 Gbps port speeds. Its efficient design makes it perfect for any sized business looking to grow its network.Learn more about the SAN24B-6 SAN32C-6Learn more about the SAN32C-6 SAN96C-7 SAN96C-6...
IBM Storage Networking SAN192C-6 addresses the stringent requirements of large virtualized data center storage environments. It delivers uncompromising availability, security, scalability, ease of management, and transparent integration of new technologies for flexible data center SAN solutions. It shares ...
4. IBM Storage Networking SAN128B-6 SwitchPublished on 29 August 2018, last updated 15 August 2019 5. IBM Storage Networking SAN192C-6 Product GuidePublished on 4 December 2018 6. IBM Storage Networking SAN32C-6 Product GuidePublished on 4 December 2018 7. IBM Storage Networking SAN384C-6...
SAN384C-6 A next-generation system switching device designed specifically for large-scale storage networks. With added enterprise connectivity options, it provides flexible, stable support for IBM Z® systems servers. SAN768C-6 One of the industry’s highest port density for a SAN director with...
IBM Storage Networking SAN16C-R 是一种光纤通道交换机,具有多达 12 个端口,速率为 32 Gbps。它是 IBM存储区域网络交换机硬件产品系列的一员。 IBM Storage Networking SAN16C-R 是下一代高度灵活、业界领先的 IBM Storage Networking c 型交换机之一。此交换机具有紧凑的外形规格和高级功能,是部门和远程分公司...
IBM Storage Networking SAN32C-6 → 扩展交换机型号 扩展交换机型号是优化的平台,旨在为开放系统 和⼤型机环境提供经济实惠的⾼性能连接. IBM Storage Networking SAN50C-R → 您知道吗? SAN50C-R 是部⻔和远程分⽀机构 SAN 的理想解 决⽅案,它外观紧凑,提供多种通常是 Director 级交换机独有的...
Sakelar SAN SAN48C-7 IBM Storage Networking menyediakan hingga 48 port Fibre Channel pada 64 Gbps. Ini adalah bagian dari jajaran perangkat kerassakelar jaringan area penyimpanantipe-c dari IBM. Sakelar Fibre Channel 48-port IBM SAN48C-7 64-Gbps generasi terbaru menyediakan konektivitas Fibre...
IBM® Storage Networking SAN32C-6 Fabric Switch Potencie a organizaciones como la suya que están implementando rápidamente aplicaciones a escala de nube utilizando servidores virtualizados. Director IBM® Storage Networking SAN768C-6 Permita que su organización soporte un crecimiento exponencial ...