例如,Watson 在 IBM Cloud 上公开了一个简单的演示( https://speech-to-text-demo.ng.bluemix.net/ ),笔者将其音频文件替换成自己准备的文件进行识别,但没有修改程序里的参数使其与自己的文件一致,从而影响了识别结果,与实际内容差别巨大。Watson 语音识别服务 API 详解 Watson 服务的 API 均是以 RESTful...
https://speech-to-text-demo.ng.bluemix.net/ 点击首页紫色的那个「Star for free in IBM Cloud」按钮,注册IBM Cloud并登陆 然后添加SPEECH TO TEXT 服务。 点击左侧service credentials, 创建new credentials。 复制,保存你的credentials。 { "apikey": "xxxx", "iam_apikey_description": "Auto generated ap...
Watson Speech to Text is an API that transcribes speech to text in a variety of languages. It’s available as SaaS or for self-hosting.
Watson Speech to Text is an API that transcribes speech to text in a variety of languages. It’s available as SaaS or for self-hosting.
The IBM Watson Text to Speech service uses IBM's speech-synthesis capabilities to synthesize text into natural-sounding speech in a variety of languages, dialects, and voices.This connector is available in the following products and regions:Expandir a tabela ...
Language Translation Natural Language Classifier Personality Insights Relationship Extraction Retrieve and Rank Tone Analyzer Speech to Text Text to Speech AlchemyVisio Visual Insights Visual Recognition AlchemyData News Tradeoff Analytics Watson-developer-cloud SDK...
DOC:https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/services/text-to-speech?topic=text-to-speech-voices demo:http://ibm.biz/IS2019TTS “Neural TTS Voice Conversion,” 2018 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT), Athens, Greece, 2018, pp. 290-296 ...
Language Translation Natural Language Classifier Personality Insights Relationship Extraction Retrieve and Rank Tone Analyzer Speech to Text Text to Speech AlchemyVisio Visual Insights Visual Recognition AlchemyData News Tradeoff Analytics Watson-developer-cloud SDK...
This service service uses IBM's speech recognition capabilities to convert speech in multiple languages into text. The transcription of incoming audio is continuously sent back to the client upon completion. The service is accessed via a REST HTTP interface. Demo URL: https://audio-to-text.ndole...