IBM Information Management System is a software suite of tools like a database management system and transaction manager—can be used together or separately
IBM Information Management System is a software suite of tools like a database management system and transaction manager—can be used together or separately
IBM - Information Management 軟體 - DB2 - Taiwan軟體Ibm Corporation
Information Management Software is one of the brands within IBM's Software Group division. The major Information Management products include[1]:DB
随着“随需应变”的电子商务时代的来临,IBM信息管理团队带来了全新的DB2信息管理软件(Information Management Software):DB2不再只是一个数据库——它集成了基于开放系统、跨越多平台的数据库服务器;为各种数据类型信息提供整合访问通道的内容管理软件;帮助客户从以上各种数据中分析提取有价值信息的商业智能软件;整合异构环境...
剩下的生产应用程序和工具的公司重新命名为Ascential Software。在2005年5月,IBM买下了Ascential,在IBM的Information Management Software的投资组合下重新聚合了Informix的资产。 在本周Informix升级到11.7。Informix演示与试用下载:
2. IBM WebSphere WebSphere 是一个模块化应用程序平台,主要用于集成Web服务,并提供基于标准和开源应用的构建能力。WebSphere包括各种功能,如服务器软件、应用集成工具和集成中间件,为构建企业应用提供全面支持。3. IBM Power Systems Information Management 这是IBM的一系列企业级系统管理解决方案。它们...
agement - Offerings IBM Software Services for Information Management - OfferingsIBM Software Services for Information Management - OfferingsIbm Corporation
Explore IBM Information Management System (IMS), the hierarchical database management software system used for online batch processing and transaction…
Deliver fast, accurate information across any channel at the scale you and your customers need. Explore IBM Watson AssistantIBM Security® Verify Access Maintain security as you adopt new technologies with risk-based access management. Explore IBM Security Verify AccessIBM Sterling™ ...