FWR654F IF E DISK FDA595F O A E K DISK But when I created another program with just the above two specs and *inlr = *on for sake of compilation, it worked fine and compiled successfully. So I don't understand why the original program is not compiling? ibm-midrange rpgle Share Fo...
RETURN 这两句话加在起,表示程序就可以 从这个程序中,我们看到,RPGLE程序,大致上可以分为两个部分: 1、声明定义部分:声明程序中使用到的文件(F行),定义程序中使用的变量(D) 2、程序运行部分:即C行,也就是程序段。 在RPGLE程序中,F行必须在D行前面D行必须在C行前面。 程序执行的起始顺序将从定义...
WORK With MEMBERS USING PDM Presently, there are no members in “QCLSRC”. Let’s create a member. To do that, press (Create). This will automatically invoke the SEU editor. Enter the name of the new source member and for its source type, enter “TXT” (i.e. the source member will...
在这种情况下,RPGLE 程 序的结束(并不是 C 函数的结束),也将会有一个隐含的 pthread_exit()或 exit(),如果当前 JOBD 支持多线程,会结束当前线程;如果当前线程是初始线程,会结束当前 JOB。如果JOBD 不支持多线程,不会存在上述问题。 附带再说明一下 C 程序中 exit()与 return()的区别: return 是返回上层...
Hi, I'm using MQI apis on VAX. When I'm calling MQCONNX from main thead, I am getting success, but when calling from a worker thread ( using posix thread )...