IBM iAccess ODBC 驱动程序是应用程序编程接口 (API) 的集合,这些 API 使用“结构化查询语言”(SQL) 来访问数据库信息。使用IBM iAccess ODBC 驱动程序时,允许应用程序使用相同的源代码访问不同数据库,并采用对那些应用程序最方便的格式处理数据。ODBC 为应用程序开发者提供了一种相对而言较简单的模型,可以使用该...
to create a DSN that can be used to make ODBC connections to the IBM i. 3. Remove all "<" and ">" characters and substitute italicized contents with valid values for your environment. [<MyDSNName>] Description = IBM i Access ODBC Driver 64-bit Driver = IBM i Access ODBC Driver 64...
connectionString 不包含認證部分的 ODBC 連接字串。 您可以指定連接字串,或使用您在 Integration Runtime 電腦上設定的系統 DSN (資料來源名稱) (仍需要據此指定連結服務中的認證部分)。 您也可以將密碼放在 Azure Key Vault 中,並從連接字串中提取 password 設定。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱在Azure Key Vault 中儲存...
constodbc=require('odbc');odbc.connect(`${process.env.CONNECTION_STRING}`,(error,connection)=>{connection.callProcedure(null,null,'MY_PROC',[undefined],(error,result)=>{if(error){console.error(error)}// handle// result contains an array of results, and has a `parameters` property to ac...
Driver={IBM i Access ODBC Driver};System=mySystem;Uid=myUser;Pwd=myPassword;MGDSN=0; AS/400 Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection Driver={IBM i Access ODBC Driver};System=mySystem;UID=myUser;PWD=myPassword;SSL=1; AS/400 Read-only connection Enbales SELECT statements only. No ...
an ODBC driver for accessing DB2 for i and supports full 64-bit ODBC data types. Installation Unpack the base .zip file Move it to the IFS Create a batch file with the following command:java -Xmx1024m -jar X:\Software\IBM_i_Access_Client_Solutions\acsbundle.jar ...
Microsoft 驱动程序与 Microsoft Host Integration Server 中使用的驱动程序相同,名为“ADO.NET Provider for DB2”。 IBM 驱动程序是适用于 .NET 的 IBM Db/2 驱动程序。 此驱动程序的名称会不时更改,因此请确保它是适用于 .NET 的驱动程序,与适用于 OLE/DB、ODBC 或 JDBC 的 IBM Db2 驱动程序不同。
To access your data in IBM Cloudant, create a connection asset for it.Cloudant is a JSON document database available in IBM Cloud.Create a connection to CloudantIf you have set up an integrated cloud service, select the service instance to automatically fi...
Progress DataDirect’s ODBC Driver for IBM Db2 offers a high-performing, secure and reliable connectivity solution for ODBC applications to access IBM DB2 data. Our ODBC driver can be easily used with all versions of SQL and across all platforms - Unix / Linux, AIX, Solaris, Windows and HP...
Instead, tracing should be enabled through your driver manager, and that information can be analyzed and included with the description of issues encountered. unixODBC (Linux, MacOS, IBM i): In yourodbcinst.inifile, add the following entry: ...