IBM Host Access Client Package 支持通过 IBM Personal Communications 和 IBM Host On Demand 对 z/OS 主机进行远程访问和终端仿真。
IBM Host Access Client Package 用于z/OS® 主机远程访问和终端仿真的软件。它包括 IBM Personal Communications、IBM Host On-Demand 和 IBM Host Access Client Package Extended Edition。 IBM Rational Host Integration Solution 适用于多种环境的完整主机访问和现代化解决方案。它包括 IBM Host Access Transformati...
IBM Host Access Client Package(5用户)Microsoft SQL server 2019 标准版 5用户 Created with Rapha毛l 2.0% 品牌占有率 产品好评率 100% Created with Rapha毛l 品牌占有率 产品好评率 100% 支持哪款产品? IBM Host Access Client Package(5用户)Microsoft SQL server 2019 标准版 5用户 ...
Using SSLClientKeyStoreDB and SSLClientKeyStoreDBPassword keyword connStr = "DATABASE=<DATABASE_NAME>;HOSTNAME=<HOSTNAME>;PORT=<SSL_PORT>;UID=<USER_ID>;PWD=<PASSWORD>;" + "SECURITY=SSL;SSLClientKeyStoreDB=<FULL_PATH_TO_KEY_STORE_DB>;SSLClientKeyStoreDBPassword=<KEYSTORE_PASSWD>;" conn...;importjava.sql.Timestamp;importjava.util.List;importjava.util.Arrays;;;;
Microsoft Db2 Client: The host resource could not be found. Check that the Initial Catalog value matches the host resource name. SQLSTATE=HY000 SQLCODE=-360這個錯誤訊息表示您未將正確的值放入資料庫名稱中。SQLCODE -1336 錯誤碼The specified host could not be found.請仔細檢查名稱,並確認主機可連線...
5733-ACS: IBM i Access Client Solutions 5733-ARE: IBM Administration Runtime Expert 5798-FAX: IBM Facsimile Support for i 5770-SM1: IBM System Manager for i 5770-DFH: IBM CICS Transaction Server for i 5770-MG1: IBM Managed System Services for i 5770-AF1: Advanced Function Printing for i...
Microsoft Db2 Client: The host resource could not be found. Check that the Initial Catalog value matches the host resource name. SQLSTATE=HY000 SQLCODE=-360 此错误消息表示没有为数据库名称输入正确的值。 SQLCODE -1336 错误代码 The specified host could not be found. ...
For 5250 emulation in the IBM i environment, you must configure the following elements: Each Host Integration Server computer that will access the IBM i server Connections Local APPC LUs Remote APPC LUs LU-LU pairs See also Sample VTAM Parameters...
npm install ibm_dbinternally downloads and install platform specific clidriver of recent release fromhere. To avoid this download, you can manually download clidriver from this location or install any verison of IBM Data Server Driver Package or Db2 Client or Sever in your system and point the...