安裝IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody時可能遇到下列一般問題: 如果您無法完成必備步驟,尤其是一開始安裝編譯器時,您現在可以執行此作業。 在機器上安裝編譯器,然後重新執行Rhapsody的安裝程式。 存取「程式維護」視窗,然後選取修改選項。 請參閱有關修改、修復或移除Rhapsody的相關主題。 如需必備...
IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody (Rational Rhapsody) 及其产品系列为 MBSE 建模和系统设计活动提供行之有效的解决方案,帮助企业管理许多组织在产品和系统开发中都会遇到的复杂性问题。Rhapsody 隶属 IBM Engineering 产品服务组合,为系统工程师提供协作式设计开发和测试环境,支持 UML、SysML、UAF 以及 AUTOSAR 导...
IBM® Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody® (Rational Rhapsody) – Architect for Systems Engineers can help your team design complex functionality in less time. It provides a low-cost systems engineering environment that lets you analyze and elaborate requirements, make architecture trade-offs with p...
It describes the content of the "IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody Kit for DO-178B/C".Version 1.14 License Agreement No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, stored in a retrieval system, nor translated into any human or computer language, in any form or by any ...
Rational Rhapsody Design Manager is a web based application that stakeholders, developers, and other team members use to collaborate on the design of products, software, and systems.
在将Rhapsody 插件安装到 Engineering Workflow Management之前,可能需要安装其他软件。关于本任务 注: 如果计划使用 C/C++ 开发工具 (CDT) 来编译从 Rhapsody生成的代码,那么需要安装 Cygwin ,并且还必须将 C/C++ 开发工具插件安装到 Engineering Workflow Management中。 在安装 Rhapsody之前安装 Cygwin ,并...
The IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody product line is a collaborative design and development environment for systems engineers and software developers to create, test, and document real-time or embedded systems and software.
如果将 Rhapsody Model Manager 与使用 TLSv1.2 协议的网络配合使用,那么必须对 rhapsody.ini 文件进行大量更改。
如果要将Rhapsody Model Manager与使用 TLSv1.2 协议的网络配合使用,那么必须对rhapsody.ini文件进行大量更改。 注: TLS V 1.3 是Rhapsody Model Manager7.0.3 和Rhapsody10.0的缺省受支持版本。 如果您正在使用Rhapsody Model Manager或Rhapsody客户机的版本,那么必须针对与 Java 安全套接字...
For systems engineering, you might use Rhapsody Architect for Systems Engineers and Rhapsody Designer for Systems Engineers. For software engineering, you might use the Rhapsody Developer editions and Rhapsody Architect for Software. For team collaborati