IBM就把全球最大的电话拨号网络IGN(IBM Global Network)给卖了,然后更彻底地把Token Ring之外的网络...
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不过对于微软而言,这条对抗苹果的战线非常重要:微软一直在大力宣传Surface平板可以运行我们熟悉的所有Windows软件,而iPad Pro只能运行App Store中的移动应用。对于企业而言,后者远远不够。 因此让更多的企业客户使用微软的Surface设备,哪怕是通过IBM,将会大大有助于证明Surface不负其企业设备的宣传头衔——苹果应该会开始感...
IBM® App Connect Enterprise提供Shopify 輸入和Shopify 要求節點,可用來與Shopify互動。 關於此作業 IBM App Connect Enterprise透過Shopify 輸入和Shopify 要求節點 (在 Windows、 AIX和 Linux® 系統上可用) 與Shopify同步通訊。 在訊息流程中使用Shopify 輸入節點,以接受來自Shopify的輸入。 如需使用Shopify 輸入節...
Windows chdirtemplates && dir 打开provisioner-sa.yaml文件,并查找ibmcloud-object-storage-secret-readerClusterRole定义。 将先前创建的私钥的名称添加到resourceNames部分中该插件有权访问的密码的列表。
If you want to use Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) for access to the remote SQL Server database, reinstate and complete the lines at the end of the stanza.For an Informix database:In the Driver field, add the full path of your Informix Client libr...
在Windows 上: cms.keystore=%HOMEDRIVE%\Users\alice\.mqs\alicekey cms.certificate=Alice_Cert 将%HOMEDRIVE% 替换为计算机上的相应值(例如:C:) 在用户bob的 .mqs 目录中创建新文件keystore.conf,并将以下内容复制到其中。 在Mac 上: cms.keystore=~/bob/.mqs/bobkey ...
ADMIN_USER=aaaADMIN_PASSWORD=bbbAPP_USER=cccAPP_PASSWORD=dddce_apikey=xxxcos_apikey=yyyNOTIFY_INTERVAL=1 ./ Show more For Windows: setADMIN_USER=aaasetADMIN_PASSWORD=bbbsetAPP_USER=cccsetAPP_PASSWORD=dddsetce_apikey=xxxsetcos_apikey=yyysetNOTIFY_INTERVAL=1 ...
For Windows: compiler is optional asibm_dbcomes with pre-compiled binary on Windows64 for node.js version >= 12.x. To compile code on Windows, VC++ 2015.3 v14.00 (v140) or Visual Studio version >= 2017 is required. Python version >= 3.8.0 is required by node-gyp. Forz/OS, Python...
Government requirements for app distribution can include the following needs: The ability to host an enterprise app store that supports multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, Windows 8, and BlackBerry. The ability to deploy apps that are available on public app stores (linking to public app ...