The IBM Watson AI XPRIZE is a four-year competition awarding a $5 million prize purse to teams improving the world with artificial intelligence. The competition began in 2017 with 148 teams competing to solve problems in sustainability, robotics, artificial general intelligence, healthcare, education...
AI 赋能的企业资产绩效提升 AI 就绪的数据存储管理 2025 年五大趋势 人智共创未来,点燃创新纪元! 阅读报告 Technology & Consulting 混合云IBM 咨询 AI 解决方案 充分利用专为商业构建的 AI 技术,实现从 AI 试点到规模化生产的跨越 人工智能模型 我们的 AI 模型经济高效,专为商业量身定制,并针对规模化应用优化,...
Although AI adoption and use cases continue to expand, organizations may not be fully prepared for the many considerations and consequences of adopting AI capabilities into their processes and systems. While 79% of surveyed executives emphasize the importance of AI ethics in their enterprise-wide AI ...
Join the worldwide community of developers and innovators, and use AI to improve equitable access for all people in the 2024 #CallforCode challenge.
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The current paradigm of generative AI (genAI) and large language models (LLMs) may soon be obsolete, according to Meta’s Chief AI Scientist, Yann LeCun. He argues that new breakthroughs are needed for the systems to unRead more…
Clone the Power-AI-Engine repository, and add the Power-AI-Engine SDK to environment. (optional for IBM POWER FPGA Acceleration) export FPGA_SDK_PATH=path/to/Power-AI-Engine/FPGA-SDK Install Xilinx Vidado software, and also add to environment, the hardware SDK was tested on Vivado 2017.4....
我们正处于大规模采用AI的关键时刻,但对其安全性,透明度和偏见的疑虑仍然存在。 IBM认为部分问题在于缺乏标准实践。 IBM研究院的AI基金会负责人,AI Science for Social Good计划的联合主席Aleksandra Mojsilovic今天表示,创建,测试,训练,部署和评估AI服务没有一致的,广泛认可的方式。同样不清楚这些系统应该如何运作,以及...
IBM argues that the "workhorse of traditional computing", otherwise known as CPU, was designed before deep learning arrived. While CPUs are good for general-purpose applications, they aren't so good at training and running deep-learning models that require massively parallel AI operations....
said AI is only as good as the person who writes the algorithm, and it's missing the gut feelings and strong hunches that can sometimes lead to a great hire or prevent a bad one. She added that AI screening systems could also be gamed by any candidate who's prepared for it an...