A 2 Well Culture-Insert for wound healing and migration assays | Defined cell-free gap for reproducible experiments | Alternative to scratch assay
The ibidiCulture-Insert 2 Well|3 Well|4 Wellare silicone inserts with a defined, cell-free gap for wound healing, migration, 2D invasion assays, and co-cultivation of cells. They are available asindividual inserts in a µ-Dish35 mmor as25 pieces in a transport dishfor self-insertion, ...
公司地址上海市嘉定区南翔镇静塘路988号2幢J4478室统一社会信用代码91310114574133638P 组织机构代码57413363-8注册资本300万人民币 营业期限43289-07-31至73288-10-29经营状态存续 公司类型有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)成立日期2011-04-28 法人代表周林君注册机构嘉定区市场监督管理局 ...
GeometryoftheCulture-Inserts GeometryoftheCulture-Insert Numberofwells2 Outerdimensions(w×l×h)9mm×9mm×5mm Growthareaperwell0.22cm 2 Recommendedfillingvolume perwell 70µl Widthofcell-freegap500µm±50µm WerecommendusingtheCulture-Insertsinibidiµ-Dishes, ...
Eubio 8020925 Culture-Inserts for self-insertion, sterile, in a 10 cm transport dish25 规格/Specifications: Number of wells2 Outer dimensions (w x l x h) in mm8.4 x 8.4 x 5 Volume per well70 ul Growth area per well0.22 cm² ...
为了研究CX43在EC迁移中的作用,如先前研究所述,将ibidi Culture-Inserts插件放置在µ-Slide 8Well(8孔腔室载玻片)中,以评估迁移速度和方向性[3]。 该小组表明:内皮细胞迁移和血管生成需要Cx43,而这是由SHP-2介导的。 图2.HMEC迁移单细胞轨迹显示Cx43 siRNA敲除后迁移减少。图片来自Mannell等人2021[3] ...
80209 25 Culture-Inserts for self-insertion, sterile, in a 10 cm transport dish 25 注意:与培养皿配套的插件分离后不能二次使用,80209的插件可单个取出放入其他培养皿内使用 规格参数: Number of wells 2 Outer dimensions(w x l x h) in mm 8.4 x 8.4 x 5 Volume per well 70 µl Growth are...
-Dish 35 mm,高壁,预置伤口愈合4孔插件培养皿,ibiTreat 底部处理 Culture-Insert 4 Well in ?-Dish 35 mm, high ibiTreat: ready to use, tissue culture treated, sterilized 30 ¥5,425.00 ¥440.00 2个/包80209 伤口愈合2孔插件 25 Culture-Inserts 2 Well for self-insertion: in a 10 cm transport...
-Dish 35 mm,高壁,预置伤口愈合4孔插件培养皿,ibiTreat 底部处理 Culture-Insert 4 Well in ?-Dish 35 mm, high ibiTreat: ready to use, tissue culture treated, sterilized 30 ¥5,425.00 ¥440.00 2个/包80209 伤口愈合2孔插件 25 Culture-Inserts 2 Well for self-insertion: in a 10 cm transport...
Silicone inserts with a defined cell-free gap | For wound healing assays, migration assays, 2D invasion assays and co-cultivation of cells