ibb & obb is a two player cooperative game set in a puzzle filled world where gravity goes both up and down. You can only succeed by working closely together. Find a friend for some true local co-op couch fun or match up online. ...
ibb & obb ibb & obb is a Puzzle-Platform, Single and Multiplayer video game by Sparpweed Games. The pink creature obb and green creature ibb travel through a unique world divided by various horizon lines on either side of the barrier. All the things are inverted, and gravity work in opp...
Thankfully, once you have a friend by your side, Ibb and Obb employs a sensible level of difficulty. The diminutive pair aren't the most physically gifted heroes. Gifted with just a modest leap, they shouldn't be able to get very far in this hostile world. However, their jumping skills...
This truly takes platform gaming to the next level. Welmosca September 24, 2013 at 3:32 AM GMT+8 Nice to know that…I still dont have the game but its always good to see that devs are supporting their games after launch…..I played the demo of Ibb e Obb with my brother and ...
Level Hub Ibb and Obb is puzzle platformer with a twist: cooperative gameplay. While it is possible to play this game solo, it’s built to be played cooperatively with a friend. Cooperative gameplay has a magical property that can turn a mediocre game into a good game, and thats exactly ...
【舞秋风实况】ibb和obb 伊布and欧布 Level.1 生命共同体 上传者:舞秋风台 12:15 【舞秋风实况】ibb和obb 伊布and欧布 Level.2 默契荡然无存 上传者:舞秋风台 17:04 【舞秋风实况】ibb和obb 伊布and欧布 Level.3 我只是踏脚石 上传者:舞秋风台 ...
Platforms: PC, PS3 Multiplayer: Online Co-Op, leaderboard tracking. Demo Availability: N/A Length: Wildly depending on completion rate. ibb and obb are two walking blobs that look like they’re straight out of Pac-Man. With a straightforward color palette and strong color saturation the littl...
对于这款在PS3的新作品《ibb & obb》是一款可以双人一起基的游戏,游戏中两位玩家分别操作红绿两名角色进行冒险,此游戏可以简单的定义为闯关冒险益智型的游戏吧,虽然不是什么大作,但是游戏的趣味性却非常之高,值得玩家们一试的一款作品,相信会有很多玩家喜爱的!
PS3 Demos ibb & obb ibb & obb is a two player cooperative game set in a puzzle filled world where gravity goes both up and down. You can only succeed by working closely together. Find a friend for some true local cooperative couch fun or match up online. ...