(Boxing) Amalia Tugui defeats Guste Gataveckaite via KO/TKO, Referee Stoppage 2:49 Round 1 of 3 Bout Page (Boxing) Yojander Fuentes Drullet defeats Georgios Pleas via KO/TKO, Referee Stoppage (Injury) 0:43 Round 3 of 3, 6:43 Total Bout Page (Boxing) Islam Ibragimov defeats Daniel...
(Boxing)Diana MaestredefeatsDulce Garciavia Decision, Unanimous3 Rounds, 9:00 TotalBout Page (Boxing)Yandiel LozanodefeatsNodirbek Allarberganovvia Decision, Split3 Rounds, 9:00 TotalBout Page (Boxing)Andranik MartirosyandefeatsAdam Macavia Decision, Split3 Rounds, 9:00 TotalBout Page ...
“The winner will receive $200,000, while the total prize fund is $4.8 million for all 12 categories.This includes 10%, which belongs to the head coaches of the national teams,” said Kremlev. Kazakhstan national teamrecently finished second at the IBA Men’s World Boxing Championships in ...
This is the second time in history that India have won four gold medals at the Women’s World Boxing Championships other occasion being in 2006 when Mary Kom, Sarita Devi, Jenny Lalremliani and Lekha K.C had won gold for the country. ...