在下文中若无额外说明,“证据开示”均指代狭义定义,即证据被申请开示的情形。 在大部分国际仲裁案件中,证据开示程序普遍适用《国际律师协会国际商事仲裁取证规则》(IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration,“IBA证据规则”,本文仅讨论2020年版),该规则对文件(document)的种类2、证据开示的...
在下文中若无额外说明,“证据开示”均指代狭义定义,即证据被申请开示的情形。 在大部分国际仲裁案件中,证据开示程序普遍适用《国际律师协会国际商事仲裁取证规则》(IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration,“IBA...
The article focuses on the International Bar Association (IBA) Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration. It states that the rules came from the 1999 IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Commercial Arbitration and 1983 Supplementary Rules Governing the Presentation ...
在下文中若无额外说明,“证据开示”均指代狭义定义,即证据被申请开示的情形。 在大部分国际仲裁案件中,证据开示程序普遍适用《国际律师协会国际商事仲裁取证规则》(IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration,“IBA证据规则”,本文仅讨论2020年版),该规则对文件(document)的种类[2]、证据开示...
[3] 国际律师协会 (International Bar Association, 简称 “IBA”) 在 1999 年发布了《国际律师协会国际仲裁取证规则》(IBA Rules of Taking Evidence in International Arbitration),现行的版本是 2010 年的修订版。本文所提及《IBA取证规则》的内容和条文序号均引自2010 年...
IBA RULES ON TAKING EVIDENCE Adopted by a resolution of the IBA Council 1 June 1999IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Commercial Arbitration International Bar Association
由于国际仲裁所涉的国家和法域众多,很难形成统一、强制适用的证据规则。为解决证据规则缺失的问题,1999年国际律师协会(International Bar Association,下称“IBA”)制定了《国际律师协会国际仲裁取证规则》(IBA Rules of Taking Evidence in International Arbitration,下称“IBA规则”),目前适用的规则是2010年修订版本。
--IBA规则:国际律师协会于2010年5月29日通过的《国际律师协会国际仲裁取证规则》(IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration ,简称IBA Rules))。 --布拉格规则:由来自30个国家(主要是大陆法系国家)的代表组成的工作组起草并于2018年12月14日在捷克共和国首都布拉格通过的《国际仲裁程序有效...
4. Insofar as the IBA Rules of Evidence and the General Rules are silent on any matter concerning the taking of evidence and the Parties have not agreed otherwise, the Arbitral Tribunal may conduct the taking of evidence as it deems appropriate, in accordance with the general principles of ...
IBA_rules_on_taking_evidence英文文献资料.pdf,Adopted by a resolution of the IBA Council 1 June 1999 IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Commercial Arbitration International Bar Association Contents About the Arbitration and ADR Committee