✅CHINESE ALL小贴士:考前一天仔细阅读范文,看高分范文的结构、语言和逻辑,整理常用的写作手法和开头必写的部分。 ✅ENGLISH B小贴士:writing部分可以整理一个text type的合集,写上每个text type的特点和注意事项。有时间可以阅读一下范文。💪IB学习,虽然抽象,但也能找到属于自己的乐趣和效率!加油吧,未来的国际...
English B 数十种 writing text type 的背诵需求更是无理取闹---对英语能力的养成性价比极低。TOK口...
IB English B阅读的部分,会考的特别细节,所以在阅读的过程当中要去留意一些细节,不要搞混了,因为信息会比较多。 写作部分的话,会给你一个题目,下笔写之前想好text type的特点和对应的format,保证format分不要被扣掉,尽量用正常的语言,不要去冒太大的险吧。personal response很重要一点是要体现creativity。需要对...
所有写作text type 以bullet point 的形式总结到ppt上就好了,不过一般正常人写的最多的也就是article ...
The text for an infomercial that might appear on a radio broadcast or TV broadcast. Please be sure to watch/listen to some of these prior to writing your text so your use of language is accurate. A sales pitch for a “new” product that you will have to name (this will be an ...
1 / 4 Created by Tudiyin72Teacher Students also studied Study guides Year 7 Chinese Term 4 Overview and Learning Outcomes 70 terms Email text type:书面互动-电邮的格式 Teacher7 terms Revision family Members in Chinese(我有XX,X个XX。)-PC&E ...
今天我们就一起来看一篇Paper1小说文本分析(N15 HL 真题)的优秀范文,从范文的写作思路中进一步汲取灵感。手把手带你学懂小说文本分析的写作思路 下文是一篇满分7分的小说评论,分析的文本是冯骥才的小说《苏七块》。 坚持的“原则” ——浅析《苏七块》 世界上每个职业都有其职责:师者,传道授业解惑;军人,保家卫国;医...
and F.A.; writing—review and editing, G.F.M. and M.R.M. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Funding The Article Processing Charges were funded by the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, Romania. Institutional Review Board Statement Not...
Continue Reading → November 27, 2023 0 Chi Square: Language Detection + Code Breaking Chi Square: Language Detection + Code Breaking We can use the power of maths to allow computers to accurately recognise which language someone is writing in - even without needing to have understanding of any...