Being one of the three core curriculums of IBDP, TOK is a unique one. Today let us find out what TOK is and what can we learn from it. 什么是TOK? What is TOK? TOK全称为Theory of Knowledge,是一门侧重于培养批判性思维和探索知识...
More and more students and parents are considering the International Baccalaureate (IB) program when choosing an international curriculum. However, some parents and students may have concerns about the difficulty of the IB program...
Being one of the three core curriculums of IBDP, TOK is a unique one. Today let us find out what TOK is and what can we learn from it. 什么是TOK? What is TOK? TOK全称为Theory of Knowledge,是一门侧重于培养批判性思维和探索知识过程的学科。进一步说,它不是特指某个领域的具体知识,而是一...
每一门课程的教学大纲,描述与目标,课程的架构,评估标准还有最终评估的架构(也就是最后考核的papers)都在IB官网都可以找到。 连接 另外,一般 IB 学校都会使用 ManageBac,在 ManageBac 右上角有一个 Launchpad 图标,点击之后就可以看到 Subject Center。Subject Center ...
想获取IBDP国际大学预科的学生还必须学习核心课程TOK(Theory of Knowledge--知识理论)和EE(Extend Essay--拓展论文),并有合格的CAS活动(Creativity, Action and Service--创造、行动与服务)。 招生要求 宁波华茂国际学校IB幼儿园至IB大学预科项目, 面向全世界招收3-19岁小学,初中,高中各年龄段的学生, 是目前浙江省...
IB课程体系(IB curriculum):IB组织提倡的课程体系。 IB考试:由IB组织安排的统一考试。 IB项目:由IB课程体系,IB学校对于IB课程的具体教学方案,和IB考试组成的抽象概念。 IB学生:就读于IB学校,并且同意加入IB项目的学生。 IB大学预科项目(IB diploma program):IB项目的一个部分,包含两年的课程,为高二高三学生准备,是...
The IB curriculum requires students to study six subjects, one from each of the six groups, as well as the requirements of the three ‘core’ components. The wide range of IB subjects we offer at BISS allows our students to devise a portfolio that is well suited to their interests and ab...
same for students in an IB curriculum or AP curriculum.We view theBritish curriculum as one of the most rigorous curriculumsin the world, so a student who does well on their exams and does well on the SAT does have agreater chance of admissionas opposed to students in other curriculums. ...
IBDP课程针对的是11、12年级的学生,分为六大学科组(母语与世界文学、第二语言、个人与社会学、科学、数学和艺术选修)+三大核心课程(认识论Theory of Knowledge、拓展论文Extended Essay和创意、行动与服务Creativity, Activity and Service)。学生按照自己的兴趣爱好、学科基础以及升学方向从前5个学科组中各选1门课程,从...
认识论Theory of Knowledge 创造、行动、服务Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) 六个学科 学生必须从六个学科组中各选一门课程来学习,并确定三门高水平课程和三门标准水平课程。此外,学生还需要完成专题论文(EE)、认识论(TOK)和创造、行动与服务(CAS)这三项核心课程。