The school principal is highly experienced and qualified for his assigned responsibilities, are committed to the school’s purpose, and engage in ongoing professional development that promotes student learning. Members of the ...
ISNS教师眼中胸襟开阔学习属性 IB LEARNER PROFILE ATTRIBUTES- Open-minded Fiona Zhang PYP中文老师 “作为一名IB教育工作者和终身学习者,胸襟开阔是指导我工作和生活的重要原则。我们是一所IB国际学校,我们的目标是培养世界公民,我们的学生...
ISNS教师眼中胸襟开阔学习属性 IB LEARNER PROFILE ATTRIBUTES- Open-minded Fiona Zhang PYP中文老师 “作为一名IB教育工作者和终身学习者,胸襟开阔是指导我工作和生活的重要原则。我们是一所IB国际学校,我们的目标是培养世界公民,我们的学生和我们的老师也来自不同的地区,国家和拥有不同的文化,每个人都是独一无二的。
ISNS教师眼中勤于思考学习属性 IB LEARNER PROFILE ATTRIBUTES- Thinkers Yannis Zhao PYP 中文老师 “对我来说,‘思考者’属性让学生在没有监督的情况下思考问题并找到解决方案。学生们有更多的机会进行分析,这让他们有机会克服任何挑战,做出正确的决定。” Virginia Lee PYP 高年级音乐老师 “成为一个思考者意味着把...
At its core, the IB PYP is built upon five essential elements that serve as the foundation for meaningful and engaging learning experiences. These five elements are: the Learner Profile, the Approaches to Learning, the Transdisciplinary Themes, the Knowledge and Skills, and the Attitudes. **1....
Internationalmindedness is defined by the IB in the attributes of the Learner Profile. ThePYP curriculum design supports students in developing these attributes, whichare actively modeled by all members of our learning community. The LearnerProfile attributes, together with the attitudes, help develop ...
The 10 Learner Profile attributes reflect the holistic nature of an IB education. As an IB teachers and learners, we will try our best to be inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk takers, balanced and reflective. ...
IB learner profile attributes can consistently be reinforced too. Being a communicator is just one example: "Learning to communicate effectively when in a class or a team can provide students with the opportunity to practise a skill that will be essential for them as they transition through their...
PYP课程协调员 I’m really excited to begin this year’s PYP journey with both new and returning students. The PYP lays an important foundation for our students to develop the skills and attributes they need to become lifelong learners and to thrive in a global environment. The inquiry-...
于2022年1月获得IB的候选资格。美凯思国际幼儿园的课程以IB PYP为核心,六大增润课程为辅,社会实践...