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IB生物类 Alex Lee(YouTube)http://www.youtube.com/misterleescience Alex Lee先生是油管的IB生物老...
Exam preparation is efficient and timely, with the use of past papers, mock papers, and rigorous weak spot targeting ( and bettering) . I am very grateful to Nishit Sir and Baccalaureate Classes for helping me with IB math, and would without a doubt recommend to those seeking to improve ...
Thursday, 10th November Psychology HL/SL Paper 2 N/A IB Exams and COVID-19IB has adapted to the complications brought forth by COVID-19 to the examination industry by offering students a dual route/choice for how they’d tackle their examinations. They may either take the traditional wri...
IB Maths Tutors:-One of important and most common IB subject is maths which require lots of experienced, professional IB tutors. We assist IB student in possible way to score a perfect 7 by making them practice as many past papers.
学习IB除了教科书 当然past paper最有用啦 网站上资源很齐全http://freeexampapers.com/#/IB直接找相...
Access over 4,938+ IB examiner-led videos spread over 1,120+ hours, 234+ solved past papers, 38,061+ topic-wise practice questions with in-depth explanations, 5,912+ IB notes, 53,434+ IB flashcards, 333+ graded IA/EE Examples, and soooooooooo much more!Register (It's Free)Explore...
It opens an entirely new window of opportunities. Now, students can write tests and mock exams as much as possible. Early syllabus completion will give them enough time to revise things and solve moreIB Maths Questions. Also, you can utilize this time to solve past year’s papers. ...
1999-2018 所有IB past paper 我是2019年马上要考试的IB学生!真心想分享给你们1991-2018年所有科目的Past Papers 把邮箱留给我告诉我你们需要的paper,纯帮忙! PS:还想和现在正在Suffer或者即将要suffer IB的朋友们交心的讨论一下! 来自ib吧 Heloyy◎ zhucedenglu608-20 234 家里有个读IB的孩子,家长也很辛苦吧...
2.IB Past Papers 3.Memrise Duolingo, Quizlet 4.你自己的笔记 提问环节部分 讲座分享结束后是互动时间,学生和家长针对自己的疑惑和学习ib的过程中遇到的困难,以及关于未来大学申请的一些问题进行提问。互动时间长达40分钟,众位IB学子家长一个问题接着一个问题地向分享嘉宾请教,Brian和 Kyra对于每个提问耐心解答,相...