Physics Sports, exercise and health science 一般学校都是提供科学大类:物理化学生物。有些学校会提供Design Technology和Environmental Systems & Societies和Computer Science。 我自己学的是物理HL。物理真的是非常简单,HL 拿7分只需要不到70%的正确率。学习内容也只是很简单的应用数学,公式全部都不用背,考试翻一...
申请标准:IB要求36-39分,其中HL得分19分(生物和化学最低6分,不能有分数低于5分) 。·(4)帝...
The goal of the assignment was for students to be able to create not only a new and unique game but also compose an instruction booklet that is so clear and concise enough that someone who has never played it before can...
Coursebook: Physics for the IB Diploma (sixth edition), Tsokos,Annotated data booklet Definitions Co...
ib化学考试会给data booklet 离子交换是以圆球形树脂(离子交换树脂)过滤原水,水中的离子会与固定在树脂上的离子交换。常见的两种离子交换方法分别是硬水软化和去离子法。硬水软化主要是用在反渗透(RO)处理之前,先将水质硬度降低的一种前处理程序。软化机里面的球状树脂,以两个钠离子交换一个钙离子或镁...
IB Chemistry Data Booklet (First Examination 2016最新版).pdf,Chemistry data booklet First assessment 2016 Third edition Diploma Programme Chemistry data booklet Published June 2014 Updated May 2015 Published on behalf of the International Baccalaureate O
Databooklet DiplomaProgramme Physics Firstexaminations2009 InternationalBaccalaureateOrganization BuenosAiresCardiffGenevaNewYorkSingapore DiplomaProgramme Physics Databooklet Firstexaminations2009 4025a DiplomaProgramme Physics—databooklet PublishedSeptember2007 InternationalBaccalaureateOrganization PetersonHouse,MalthouseAvenue,...
5015 Nb Tc Ru Rh Ag Cd In Sn 2023 Sb 1263 Te 544 457 I 527 166 Xe 575 302 942 Cs W 630 998 1194 1913 Ba 3730 La Os Ir Pt Au 2500 4875 Hf 3269 5700 Ta Re Hg Tl 2013 Pb 1833 Bi 1235 Po 610 At Rn 211 202 300 950 Fr 1413 Ra 973 1323 3473 Ac Chemistry data booklet ...
Chemistry data bookletFirst assessment 2016Third edition4073International alaureate, alauréat International and Bachillerato Internacionalare registered trademarks of the International June 2014Updated May 2015Published on behalf of the Internation