做PastPapers的时候最好要计时 IB考试的题量还是比较大的,如果平时不注意时间的话,大考的时候真的可能会做不完。 这里特别建议大家多计时练几篇Paper,大概掌握列大纲的时间,以及写的节奏,还有就是练手速啦~(小编每次写语文的Paper都感觉手要废了……) 其实IB出题还是很套路的,多刷一些Past Paper后自然能掌握套路...
Taking the IB Economics exam will be nerve-wracking no matter what. However, taking practice tests with past papers beforehand will be a huge advantage since you'll get a sense of the test format and be used to the length and style of these past versions. In this guide, we’ll familiari...
Where to Find Free Tests and Past Papers The IB has been diligent about seeking out and destroying illegally uploaded official papers for the past few years, so a lot of sources that used to be out there are no longer readily available.Currently, the only free official IB Chemistry test leg...
IB Physics HL - Past Papers In the Past Papers section, you will find full worked solutions to the questions asked on previous IB Physics HL (Higher Level) Exams. Within each video, an experienced IB teacher will guide you through the solution, step-by-step. Past Paper Solutions Specimen ...
IB Past Papers:这个网站有大量的IB生物题库,按topic归类,还有除生物外的其他学科题库和试卷供大家刷题。📖 英文A学习网站推荐: TMr.Z's Class:这个网站由一位在校老师整理,包含课程教学和笔记,讲解了很多考试提分技巧,还有一些writing assessment的示例。 SparkNotes:这个网站专门分析IB英文A的书籍,提供了全方位...
IB通用类 Kognity https://kognity.com/ 这应该是学IB的同学们都知道的网站了,很多学校都会为学生订购...
IB Past Papers🧠 心理类: IB Psych Matters IB Psych Notes🌟 抓紧时间,利用这些网站,让你的IB学习之旅更加轻松高效!0 0 发表评论 发表 作者最近动态 Chen17凡加班 2024-12-10 如何申请布莱顿公学?时间节点和流程详解 ...全文 Chen17凡加班 2024-12-10 🔍 探秘“专精特新”:中小企业的新标签 ......
1)https://freeexampapers.com/exam-papers/IB/ (感谢坛友 “ DanielYuan716 ”提供链接)2)https://examsnap.io/files/index.php/s/IB_Past_Papers?path=%2FGroup%205%20-%20Mathematics%2FMathematics%20HL登录密码:exansnap (感谢坛友“Herb”提供链接)有同学提及不能访问,有可能是你使用的浏览器的问题...
1999-2018 ..我是2019年马上要考试的IB学生!真心想分享给你们1991-2018年所有科目的Past Papers 把邮箱留给我告诉我你们需要的paper,纯帮忙!PS:还想和现在正在Suffer或者即将要su
◆第四点,尽早开始准备笔试,因为现在牛剑笔试提前到10月了,从知识点的梳理到刷past papers,时间还是比较紧张的。 图片来源 网络 牛剑营结束后,我就开始抽空准备面试了,当时做了很多次模拟面试,在过程中也发现了自己的不足,比如面对教授会...