Taking the IB Economics exam will be nerve-wracking no matter what. However, taking practice tests with past papers beforehand will be a huge advantage since you'll get a sense of the test format and be used to the length and style of these past versions. In this guide, we’ll familiari...
Taking a practice IB History exam before the actual exam will help you familiarize yourself with the length, style and format of the test.In this guide, we explain the IB History test format and link to the best past papers available. At the end, I'll explain how best to use these IB...
In the Past Papers section, you will find full worked solutions to the questions asked on previous IB Physics HL (Higher Level) Exams. Within each video, an experienced IB teacher will guide you through the solution, step-by-step. Past Paper Solutions Specimen Exams 2025 Specimen Exam New Pa...
-xtremepapers (https://xtremepape.rs/)-Freeexampapers (https://freeexampapers.com/exam-papers/I...
Past Paper 收集past paper的网站很多,比如IB Document、Freeexampaper、xtremepaper等等等等。这些里面都是完整的大考paper,平常可能不太有用,但大考前做它就对了。 偶尔会被查封,所以推荐多存几个网站,有备无患~ Link: https://www.ibdocuments.com/IB%20PAST%20PAPERS%20-%20SUBJECT/ ...
🔗https://freeexampapers.com/exam-papers/ 此外,我们还搜集了其他的公共学习平台,建议大家赶快加入收藏夹! 🎁 本期福利🎁 我们帮大家打包好了 归纳总结的重点习题 以及强推的写作能力提升指南 赶快来薅上羊毛吧 👇👇👇 01 综合篇 Kogni...
缺点:没有明显的缺点。Exam Mate https://www.exam-mate.com/ 简单来说,这就是大型在线IB题库,...
1)https://freeexampapers.com/exam-papers/IB/ (感谢坛友 “ DanielYuan716 ”提供链接)2)https://examsnap.io/files/index.php/s/IB_Past_Papers?path=%2FGroup%205%20-%20Mathematics%2FMathematics%20HL登录密码:exansnap (感谢坛友“Herb”提供链接)有同学提及不能访问,有可能是你使用的浏览器的问题...
如果考试这一年是换新大纲的第一年的话,得7的Grade Boundary就会很低,因为题型会和之前的past papers不一样。 考试经验 从Grade Boundary不难看出,其实IB Physics不论是SL还是HL,拿到7分并不困难,Grade Boundary较低的情况下,其实给考生们出错的空间范围还是挺大的,换句话说,假如你是一个比较粗心大意的考生,只要...
正式备考时间最早最好,理想的安排是从12年级开始就一个月一套P1+P2+P3,然后随着考试日期的接近越来越频繁地练习Past Papers,最晚的开始时间应该不晚于考试前2个月。在考试前一到两周的时间开始过一遍学过的所有的知识,多看错题,总结错的地方,避免Exam时出错。