IB的成绩是boundary的。 这儿举个例子,这是2019-2020 IB Grade Boundaries. 从这张表上可以看到,IB English A1, IB拿了79分,就可以拿到IB的7分,那么转到安省,就是97分。 这张换算表是IB统一的,每年略有不同。 但是但是,除非是11年级参加大考的,才会用这个转换表。12年级参加大考的,分数7月份才出来,大学...
“IB 学生必须要从文学及语言这一学科组中选择至少一门科目,从这一学科组中选择两个不同语言科目是一...
IB将为学校提供一个双重评估途径,保证所有学生都有机会完成他们的学习历程,并获得有效的结果,能让他们走向人生的下一个阶段。 为那些能够安全管理的学校提供考试途径。 非考试途径适用于那些由于当地限制而无法进行考试的学校。 What is the IB doing for the May2021 exam session? The IB will be providing schoo...
it is still possible that the disruption to learning may impact student performance in 2023 examinations to some extent. With this in mind, grade boundary setting will take further disruptions into account and grade boundaries for May 2023 may not necessarily be the same as those of May 2019. ...
• The IB will take great care to ensure that the grade boundaries take into consideration the significant disruption students have faced during the pandemic. • The IB will undertake a detailed review of results before results release to ensure they are appropriate at student, school, subject...
Because the IB is returning to the full exam route for 2023,students who complete the full suite of IB exams and meet the grade boundaries will receive IB diplomas. However, as mentioned above, the IB will be closely monitoring the ongoing conditions around COVID-19 and staying in close com...
requiring young artists to present their work from different perspectives and in different art forms, experimenting with and developing a wide range of skills, and continually pushing the boundaries of their creativity and artistic liter...
Several studies have raised the possibility of increased local recurrence after curettage due to unclear boundaries between the tumor and normal tissues after long-term denosumab use21,37. Thus short-term anti-RANKL treatment may be recommended. Theoretically, short-term anti-RANKL treatment can benefi...
Level, StandardLevel, Higher