第三, 阅读量要足够大;平时多看看书,看完之后可以写写书评。比如国外有个网站叫goodreads,类似于国...
例如科学或者是商业(请留意,有些好的商科学校要求数学是HL, 例如LSE 的PPE),那你应该选择AA SL。
Coursebook: Physics for the IB Diploma (sixth edition), Tsokos,Annotated data booklet Definitions Co...
ib化学考试会给data booklet 离子交换是以圆球形树脂(离子交换树脂)过滤原水,水中的离子会与固定在树脂上的离子交换。常见的两种离子交换方法分别是硬水软化和去离子法。硬水软化主要是用在反渗透(RO)处理之前,先将水质硬度降低的一种前处理程序。软化机里面的球状树脂,以两个钠离子交换一个钙离子或镁...
Chemistry data bookletFirst assessment 2016Third edition4073International alaureate, alauréat International and Bachillerato Internacionalare registered trademarks of the International June 2014Updated May 2015Published on behalf of the Internation
IB Chemistry Data Booklet (First Examination 2016最新版).pdf,Chemistry data booklet First assessment 2016 Third edition Diploma Programme Chemistry data booklet Published June 2014 Updated May 2015 Published on behalf of the International Baccalaureate O
The periodic table 3 Atomic number 1 4 5 6 2 7 0 4.00 1 Element Relative atomic mass 10.81 Chemistry data booklet 1.01 H B 12.01 14.01 15 30.97 5 1 He F 9 2 2 C P N Al 28.09 13 6.94 Li Si 14 3 9.01 Be 4 6 7 16.00 16 32.06 O 8 19.00 20.18 Ne S Cl 17 10 3 26.92 ...
Chemistrydatabooklet Firstexaminations2009 4019a PrintedintheUnitedKingdombyAntonyRoweLtd,Chippenham,Wiltshire FirstpublishedMarch2007 RevisededitionpublishedSeptember2008 InternationalBaccalaureate PetersonHouse,MalthouseAvenue,CardiffGate Cardiff,WalesGBCF238GL UnitedKingdom Phone:+442920547777 Fax:+442920547778 Website...
Students in G6 will be formally permitted to use laptops starting in November. As a math teacher, I highly recommend that students use their free time on one of the best math websites, IXL. In cases where students submit...
Physics data booklet Equations—Core and AHL Note: All equations relate to the magnitude of the quantities only. Vector notation has not been used. Core AHL Topic 1: Physics and physical measurement If y a b = ± then y a b Δ = Δ + Δ ...