学生视角-成为一名善于交流的人 IB LEARNER PROFILE ATTRIBUTES-Communicators Elsa C. G1 我喜欢用英语交谈,我喜欢和Talamahina老师交谈。当我滑冰的时候,我的老师告诉我如何做动作,每次我都做到了,因为我都很认真倾听。 Bowen C. G6 ...
“I'm a very positive thinker, and I think that is what helps me the most in difficult moments.” Quotations from ISNS Teachers IB LEARNER PROFILE ATTRIBUTES- Thinkers Yannis Zhao PYP Mandarin Teacher “For me, ‘thinker’...
Ibatisnet的xml映射文件主要包括这几个部分,resultMaps,parameterMaps,下面分别说一下IBatisnet的映射文件中的Elements及其Attributes. 一、Statements 简单的说,这一部分里放的是对数据库操作的SQL语句及存储过程等,它包括以下子元素: 然后说一下,这些Statement Element的Attributes 1、id statement的标识,每个statement必须...
IB LEARNER PROFILE ATTRIBUTES- Thinkers Yannis Zhao PYP Mandarin Teacher “For me, ‘thinker’ attribute allows students to think through problems and find solutions without supervision. Students are provided with more opportunities to analyse and this gives them the opportunity to overcome any challenge...
IB LEARNER PROFILE ATTRIBUTES-Balanced “ 你必须平衡激情/爱好,而不是你的时间。” Lisa Sugar “全面发展不是更好的时间管理,而是更好的边界管理。”全面发展意味着做出选择并享受这些选择。” Betsy Jacobson “幸福不在于强度,而在于全面发展、秩序、节奏和和谐。” ...
IB LEARNER PROFILE ATTRIBUTES- Open-minded ISNS教师眼中胸襟开阔学习属性 Fiona Zhang PYP中文老师 “作为一名IB教育工作者和终身学习者,胸襟开阔是指导我工作和生活的重要原则。我们是一所IB国际学校,我们的目标是培养世界公民,我们的学生和我们的老师也来自不同的地区,国家和拥有不同的文化,每个人都是独一无二的...
This article presents findings from a case study of a K-12 school in Turkey where teachers shared perceptions of how the International Baccalaureate Learner Profile attributes related to their own practice. While discussing the interdependency of the attributes, teachers considered...
IB learner Profile: The IB learner profile represents 10 attributes valued by IB World Schools. We believe these attributes, and others like them, can help individuals and groups become responsible members of local, national and global communities. As IB learners we strive to be: INQUIRERS We ...
formed, we interpreted them in the context of the IB learner profile. During the process, we modelled the kinds of conversations that teachers could later have with students in their classrooms around the learner profile attributes. This staff-created artwork now hangs in the canteen as a ...
Creativity and curiosity skills are aligned with the IB learner profile attributes inquirers, thinkers and communicators. For this reason, creativity and curiosity skills are not only significant for the process of learning but are also critical drivers for the holistic development of students. ...