所有语言类相同科目的官方Study Guide都是一样的,也就是说英语A语言与文学与中文A语言与文学的考试要求...
一、IB课程科目课程介绍 1.第一语言(Language A),选择学生母语作为第一语言; 2.第二语言(Language B),选择一项语言作为第二语言; 3.社会科学(Social Science),可以理解为文科科目,如:历史、地理等; 4.研究科学(Experimental Science),可以理解为理科科目,如:物理、化学等; 5.数学 (Mathematics),分为初级、中...
Scottish High celebrated the German Unity Day, also known as ‘Tag der Deutschen Einheit’, during the first week of October to promote cultural knowledge and linguistic diversity among the learners and various activities were conducted during German language lessons during this period. They acquired ...
Today, we are honored to haveMs. Vero,MYP's Chinese teacher, who is currently teaching Chinese language and literature in Grade 6 and language acquisition in Grade 10. She is very interesting, gentle and cheerful, and is very popular am...
Group.2 Language acquisition 在这个组别里Russian B HL的7分比率最高为76.6%,6分比率是17.0%,...
IB Chinese B (HL) Theme-based Chinese Vocabulary (4040 words) IB 中文 集中、分类、分级、主题词汇速成 The latest and most complete reference for your success Edition 2022 最新、最完整IB中文词汇参考 DAVID YAO Edeo & Legoo Mandarin Language - English Updated on May, 2022 Teac...
如题,这里一名德国IB高一新生,2022年进入11年纪,现10年纪。现在面临选科了,一是迷茫不知该选些什么,二是发愁如何留在德国上大学 因为所处环境的缘故,德语成为了我的必选课,并且只要要是语言B HL。 加上现在老师推荐的科目,我大概率的科目选择: English language literature HL German B HL Math AA HL history...
it would be best to read high-quality magazines, opinion columns, and news articles on a daily basis. My personal recommendation would be 'Sanlian Life-Week Journal' and 'Character'. Last piece of advice: there is n...
Group 2 – Language Acquisition 第二类学科:语言习得(第二语言)Language B:(23个语种课程)、初级语言...