历史与发展 PYP项目课程以UOI(Unit of Inquiry,探究单元)为载体开展,围绕六大超学科主题——我们是谁,我们身处什么时空,我们如何表达自己,世界如何运作,我们如何组织自己,共享地球和五大要素——知识、概念、技能、态度、行动,UOI的制定以世界为教材,以问题...
这些令人兴奋的实验帮助学生对探究产生兴趣,并帮助他们对IB-PYP关键概念展开理解。 Grade 2 二年级 Grade 2 had loads of fun learning more about their key concepts of form and function. They used vinegar, baking soda and food ...
诸暨海亮外国语学校的PYP图书馆英文阅读课由外教和IB图书管理员协作开展,结合PYP跨学科主题选择阅读材料,在提高英语阅读能力的同时丰富学科知识,拓展阅读领域。 The PYP Library English reading course at HFLS is a collaborative effort between foreign teachers and IB librarians. The PYP library reading class sele...
and to be able to apply their understandingof these concepts to new and unfamiliar situations. Our Units of Inquiry areorganized in such a way that they offer opportunities for students to explorethe PYP key concepts multiple times and in lots of ways throughout the ...
IB Learner Profile, Key Concepts, Approaches to Learning and Action in the PYP; Transdisciplinary learning and planning with a focus on aligning the standards; Assessment and Reflection; Well-designed Learning Environment. 对于所有参与研讨会的教师来说,这是一次很奇妙的学习经历。研讨会接近尾声之时,老师...
校区喜报来袭!武汉爱莎外籍人员子女学校小学部与幼儿园已收到来自国际文凭组织(IBO)的确认函,成功获得了国际教育界含金量极高的IB PYP授权,正式成为全球5000多所IB世界学校的一员。Scroll Down For Mo
他提到了PYP纲领文件中对于概念的解读会对DP阶段有所启发,并对DP和PYP的“概念”做了一些对比和联系:DP语言A的七大核心概念,对应PYP中的“重要概念key concepts”;DP语言A中的学科内概念,对应PYP的“相关概念 related concepts”,这样的观点,虽未得到IB官方明确认定,但是不无道理。
As we continue to explore IB PYP, we now come to three questions which are of vital importance to the understanding of the IB education. They are, namely, “what does an IB World School teach?”“How are things taught in an IB World School?”, and “how does the World School access...
IB believes that “assessment is integral to all teaching and learning” and “it is central to the PYP goal of thoughtfully and effectively guiding students through the five essential elements of learning: acquisition of knowledge, understanding of concepts, mastering of skills, development of attitu...
Together, these key concepts form the component that drives the teacher- and/or student-constructed inquires that lie at the heart of the PYP curriculum. Function How does it work? The understanding that everything has a purpose, a role or a way of behaving that can be investigated. ...