3. 选了HL 的同学应该知道,MATH HL 有三份试卷,考试量是非常大的,这跟体制内完全不能比 Paper ...
Formula Sheet!!! 不管是在MathAnalysis and Approaches (AA)的paper 1, paper 2, 还是paper 3,IB所提供的公式表都是可以使用的。 所以,尊的一定一定要熟悉每一个公式属于哪个单元!!!这样才能在紧张的考试中尽可能以最快的速度找到相关的公式。当然,有些公式并不在公式表里面,这些需要自己熟记,公式表只能起到...
This is a really nice puzzle we looked at at the IB HL workshop: When x = 1, y = 1, when x = 2, y = 2, when x = 3, y = 3 but when x = 4, y does not equal 4. Find a sequence which describes these points. There are...Continue Reading → ...
1. 取消paper 3。 原本的option A,B,C,D大部分整合到了HL的内容中,SL基本上没有option的内容 2. paper 1变成了paper 1A和paper 1B。 增添了短的数据分析题。 3. 教材顺序发生了大幅度的调整。 4. 考纲增添了一些原来是A-Level和AP考纲要求,而IB考纲...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIpdV9jSpXU Some of the best maths songs are by Learning Upgrade, such as, videos on circle formulae, fractions, exponents, the quadratic formula and the one below, "Mean, Median and Mode": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uydzT_WiRz4 Some other good...
I came across your website. This is serious stuff. You seem to have really put in a lot of effort. Thanks very much for being so generous to have all this material available for everyone.”"Hello Christos, I am an IB Math HL teacher from India. I have been using your worksheets for...
新版IB数学课程体系则是将内容分为分析数学(AA)和应用数学(AI)两大分支,两大分支均有SL和HL的课程难度可供选择: ① Analysis and approaches SL(AA SL) ② Analysis and approaches HL(AA HL) ③ Applications and interpretation SL(AI SL) ④ Applications and interpretation HL(AI HL) ...
AA分析数学和AI应用数学的SL&HL课程,都将分为以下5个topic: ① 数与代数 Number and Algebra ② 函数 Functions *HL增加了奇偶函数、绝对值函数、导数函数、高次函数图像、因数和余数定理、韦达定理;分式函数部分增加了高次函数除以高次函数。 ③几何与三角函数 Geometry and Trigonometry ...
Formula BookletMr. Randall's Math Website
AA分析数学和AI应用数学的SL&HL课程,都将分为以下5个topic: ① 数与代数 Number and Algebra ② 函数 Functions *HL增加了奇偶函数、绝对值函数、导数函数、高次函数图像、因数和余数定理、韦达定理;分式函数部分增加了高次函数除以高次函数。 ③几何与三角函数 Geometry and Trigonometry ...