If you are preparing for your IB Geography SL/HL papers, studying your notes is likely not enough to ace the test.Taking practice tests using IB Geography SL/HL past papers is the only way to ensure you know what to expect the day of your exam.You'll be better prepared because you'll...
Ibresources.org Past paper , textbook pdf 的一把好手,你值得拥有。 Geographyalltheway.com 需要 付钱 ,但是 非常好用 ,尤其是在 case studies 方面,根据syllabus帮你找好了适合的case studies相关文章/视频,你只需要 提炼 出来就是你自己的小宝库啦!想要特别一点的case studies ideas就看这里吧! IB Geograph...
AI是比较新的教学大纲,past paper和一些可供练习的资料也就比较少,选择AA的话题库就会比较全,这个也...
IB Geography Course Book: Oxford IB Diploma Programme The only DP Chemistry resource developed with the IB to accurately match the new 2014 syllabus for both SL and HL, this revised edition gives you unrivalled support for the new concept-based approach to learning, the Nature of science. U....
每个章节都有专门的练习题,题库丰富,还有近几年的past paper和讲解视频哦!虽然Math单科是$199,但Biology, Physics and Chemistry需要额外购买,每门$99。 2️⃣ IB Geography note 📖 这是一个免费的地理笔记网站,只有SL unit 1 and unit 2的笔记,但创始人自己就是IB地理7分,知识点整理得非常清晰,直接...
比较推荐的两个网站是IB刷题的网站:一个是QB,叫做question bank;另一个是IB documents,里面记录了所有的IB past paper。 QB 网址:https://www.ibdocuments.com/IB%20QUESTIONBANKS/4.%20Fourth%20Edition/index.htmlIB documents网址:https://files.examsnap.io/index.php/s/international-baccalaureate不过上面两...
上海平和学校IB课程罗同学是如何打开韦尔斯利的大门?一起来看看吧!大家好,我是来自上海平和学校IB课程的罗同学,今年ED2阶段录取了Wellesley College!我的IB选课是:English A literature HL,Chinese A literature HL,Economics HL,Math AA SL,Biology SL,Geography SL,一共43/45分;托福单次115,拼分118,...
Past papers Mandarin English Economics Business and management Geography Global Politics History Psycholog...
开始学习IB Geography Option B - Oceans and coastal margins past paper questions。通过单词卡、游戏和其他学习工具来学习词汇、词语和更多内容。
In this article, I'll show you where to find IB Chemistry past papers, both free and paid. I'll also share tips on how to study most effectively using these IB Chemistry past papers. Read More Every IB Geography Past Paper Available: Free and Official Posted by Dora Seigel International...