我一直疯狂洗脑自己对Math HL是真爱,把Math HL formula booklet命名为男票(Phy是男二Chem是男三,可见不同科目在我心中的地位...),看到我可爱的数学老师眼睛都是亮的,再加上为了在男神(隔壁Math HL班的老师,长得贼像陈柏霖)面前刷存在感(忘了说...我两年Math HL都是第一,万年第二在男神班里所以男神就这么...
比如如果你申请剑桥的Natural Sciences,它要求776的HL数学/化学/物理/生物,建议你两门Sciences配数学HL,如果只选了一门Sciences,考入学考试真的很吃亏啊!再比如Chemical Engineering,官网上明确写着HL要Chemistry, Physics, Math……没有这个combo就挥手拜拜吧。 将来想学医的,一定要学Chemistry HL,最好配上Biology H...
比如如果你申请剑桥的Natural Sciences,它要求776的HL数学/化学/物理/生物,建议你两门Sciences配数学HL,如果只选了一门Sciences,考入学考试真的很吃亏啊!再比如Chemical Engineering,官网上明确写着HL要Chemistry, Physics, Math……没有这个combo就挥手拜拜吧。 将来想学医的,一定要学Chemistry HL,最好配上Biology H...
如果有不熟练的知识点,我会去油管搜视频(推荐The Organic Chemistry Tutor,简介已经放在第四张图),慢慢拉进度条直到听懂为止。刚接触AAHL的大家一定要稳扎稳打,这样后期不用花很多时间在重新学习content上。对于dp1后期&dp2早期的IBer: 相信你们这个时候已经学了大半的内容了,这个时期开始要加强与formula booklet的契...
IB Chemistry Data Booklet (First Examination 2016最新版).pdf,Chemistry data booklet First assessment 2016 Third edition Diploma Programme Chemistry data booklet Published June 2014 Updated May 2015 Published on behalf of the International Baccalaureate O
Chemistrydatabooklet Firstexaminations2009 4019a PrintedintheUnitedKingdombyAntonyRoweLtd,Chippenham,Wiltshire FirstpublishedMarch2007 RevisededitionpublishedSeptember2008 InternationalBaccalaureate PetersonHouse,MalthouseAvenue,CardiffGate Cardiff,WalesGBCF238GL UnitedKingdom Phone:+442920547777 Fax:+442920547778 Website...
Chemistry data booklet 17 Chemistry data booklet Common name methionine Symbol Met Structural formula H 2N CH COOH pH of isoelectric point CH2 CH 2 S CH3 H 2N CH COOH H 2N CH COOH CH2 CH 2 S CH3 CH2 5.7 phenylalanine Phe 5.5 COOH proline Pro HN 6.3 CH COOH serine threonine Ser Thr ...
Chemistry data bookletFirst assessment 2016Third edition4073International alaureate, alauréat International and Bachillerato Internacionalare registered trademarks of the International June 2014Updated May 2015Published on behalf of the Internation
IB Chemistry Exam. It is seen that; our IB Chemistry HL SL students worry about how to tackle the IB Chemistry curriculum due to its rigidness. And it becomes more and more challenging as time passes. Don’t worry; OurIB Chemistry Tutorshas prepared this guide to provide some useful tips...
Programme Mathematics SL formula booklet For use during the course and in the examinations First examinations 2014 Published March 2012 © International Baccalaureate Organization 2012 Mathematical studies SL: Formula booklet 1 5045 Contents Prior learning Topics Topic 1—Algebra Topic 2—Functions and eq...