Inthinking Geography Inthinking的内容非常丰富,你可以在这里找到所有IB学科的学习资料,下图是Inthinking的Geography地理专区,核心主题、选修主题的全部参考资料都有,而且可以看到IB地理人必需的sample essays,sample papers和case studies,一站式解决地理基础和IA、EE的全部问题! Geography All the Way Geography All the Wa...
Inthinking的内容非常丰富,你可以在这里找到所有IB学科的学习资料,下图是Inthinking的Geography地理专区, 心主题、选修主题的全部参考资料都有,而且可以看到IB地理人必需的sample essays,sample papers和case studies,一站式解决地理基础和IA、EE的全部问题! ( Geography All the Way Geograp...
Inthinking Geography Inthinking的内容非常丰富,你可以在这里找到所有IB学科的学习资料,下图是Inthinking的Geography地理专区,核心主题、选修主题的全部参考资料都有,而且可以看到IB地理人必需的sample essays,sample papers和case studies,一站式解决地理基础和IA、EE的全部问题! 2 Geography All the Way Geography All the...
External Exam(占总分的80%):分为3张papers。Paper1会考所有除了Option的topics,Paper2会考除了Measurement and Uncertainties和Option的所有topics,Paper3会考Measurement and Uncertainties和Option。对SL和HL来说,考试时间都比较紧凑,特别是paper1,所以同学们一定要多多练题。对于SL来说,Paper1只有40分,最后占20...
按我的记忆貌似aa ai paper都是不一样的,并且肯定用不到麦克劳林级数。找不到可能是因为毕竟只考了一... 该选择SL还是HL? 每个课程难度是不一样的,难易程度也是因人而异。对于将来想走理工方向的,就会选数学、物理的HL课程;有些学生一起可能学过地理科目,所以就会选地理HL;有些学生想从医,那就会选生物HL。
Also be sure to check outthe sample exam questions at the end of your course brief. Even though they don’t come with a mark scheme to allow you to review how you did, they’ll still give you a chance to study the concepts and practice writing in the time allowed. Plus, these are...
HL Paper 3 Sample * Some problems appear in both paper 1 and paper 2 searches if a calculator is of no use to the problem Fast and Intuitive Watch the tutorial video below to see how you can create your next Analysis and Approaches assessment task in less than three minutes. ...
1. Learning from the Sample In the IB Chinese B SL exam, letter writing tasks assess your ability to communicate in a personal, engaging manner, often requiring you to provide advice, share experiences, or express emotions. The key is to maintain a conversational tone while organizing your ide...