ib英语paper2的反问 Introduction IBEnglishPaper2isthesecondpartoftheIBLanguageA1course'swrittenexamination.Thepapercomprisesessayquestionsbasedonliteraryworksthestudentshavestudiedduringthecourse.Oneofthewritingtechniquescommonlyusedinthispaperistherhetoricalquestion,whichisafigureofspeechusedtoemphasizeapointoraperspective...
In unit 1 of our G7 English Language Acquisition course, students have been studying the nuance of words and their meanings and how understanding this can help us to be effective communicators. To demonstrate their understanding...
IB Philosophy:Regardless of the grade level or course, the IB philosophy and approach should be evident in any class in an IB World School. For example, an English 9 class that is taught in an IB School should look very different from the same course that is being taught up the road at...