Section B:第一个 definition题从来没见过,所以只能硬着头皮写了。。。自我在创造。b)i:depreciation...
IB第一年结束了,我觉得我30就不错了hahahha 前后两位同班同学找到了我的知乎,还不给我点赞评论,太过分...
PYP – Feedback – Class V B Respected Anita Madam, I am writing to express my heartfelt appreciation for the PYP Exhibition held today, As a parent, I was thoroughly impressed by the dedication, creativity, and growth displayed by students. Student Performances: The children’s composure, co...
The IB examinations require written answers instead of multiple-choice questions, which comprise about half of most AP examinations. This emphasis on writing aligns with most private schools' educational philosophy, i.e., writing proficiency is an expected outcome....
ENGLISHB–STANDARDLEVEL–PAPER1 ANGLAISB–NIVEAUMOYEN–ÉPREUVE1 INGLÉSB–NIVELMEDIO–PRUEBA1 TEXTBOOKLET–INSTRUCTIONSTOCANDIDATES •Donotopenthisbookletuntilinstructedtodoso. •ThisbookletcontainsallofthetextsrequiredforPaper1. •AnswerthequestionsintheQuestionandAnswerBookletprovided. ...
Our IB English Tutors in Hong Kong also support students with their written tasks based on the literature they study. For Course B, we help our student’s Paper 1 (based on the reading comprehension ability test ) & Paper 2 (based writing ability test) ...
•Poetry•Prose•Drama CommonFeatures Reading!willinclude:WorldLiteratureShakespeare Thiswillinvolve:Reflecting!Debating!Writing!Analysing!Researching!EnglishA1(HigherLevel)Part1:WorldLiterature Threelinkedtexts originallywritteninanotherlanguage Part2:DetailedStudy Fourtexts,includingaShakespeare play ...
Thus far, students in grades 6 and 7 have finished 41,324 questions. Very well done! The IB office has prepared monthly awards for the top five students in each grade level who responded to the most questions. 今年给六...
“When I ask questions and share ideas.” “When people help to solve problems.” Chris L. G2 Elsa L. G5 “Being a thinker is important because you need to think about things before you do them. For example: when ...