3.听力 阅读 老师应该用的是English B 2nd 你下个电子版前几页有个link 里面全是 exam style paper...
Prezi :https://prezi.com/rfogajijgou1/text-types-for-ib-exams/ Coursebook: English B - IB Pr...
We cover all types of English Language courses at HL and SL Our IB English Language and Literature tutors Hong kong support students in every possible aspect. Complete the whole syllabus at the appropriate time for better revision. Provide the worksheets and conduct tests after the completion of ...
其实从题型上来说,这个题型就是 Paper 1 part b 的题型,但是对于文章信息和数据的运用,有更高的要求。 题目中有明确强调 “Using information from the text/data”,所以 paper 2 的 15 分题不需要你自己提供 real-life examples,但是必须使用文章里的信息。于是,有个小技巧 —— 多用引号 quote 和 data,...
Language A: Language and Literature Introduces the critical study and interpretation of written and spoken texts from a wide range of literary forms and non literary text-types. Available for study in 17 languages. Yes, English A Language and Literature (HL and SL) HL and SL Literature and Pe...
It is beautiful and our Language B teacher for next year is simply over the moon to have a guide. Rest assured, we'll ordering more for the next school year! Rebekah Hommel, Head of English, The English School, Colombia This course book is by far the best resource for the new IB ...
Gowda RM,Khan IA,Punukollu G,Vasavada BC,Sacchi TJ,Wilbur SL.Female preponderance in ibutilide-induced torsade de pointes. International Journal of Cardiology . 2004Gowda RM,Khan IA,Punukollu G,Vasavada BC,Sacchi TJ,Wilbur SL.Female preponderance in ibutilide...
2 【 XtremePapers】XtremePapers 一个找真题超级方便的平台,各个版本齐全,同时还有一些revision 但在...
All patients had echocardiography, were on therapeutic anticoagulation, had a fairly well controlled ventricular rate, normal QTc interval on 12-lead electrocardiography, and normal serum electrolytes. Ibutilide was administered as an intravenous infusion with a maximal dose of 2 mg. RESULTS: The...
而且我也我不会说English B 7分很好拿(IB任何一门7都不是很好拿,要控制比例)虽然说英语B花的时间...